What is Your Week? February 1st... Week 1 - Couch to 5K

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What is Your Week? February 1st... Week 1

Oldfloss profile image
57 Replies

White Rabbits everyone!

An appropriate colour... considering the snowy weather that many, many of us are experiencing...

Please, if you do run in snow.. take it very gently... Ice... probably a no run situation. If, like me and many of us, the weather is stopping your runs... have no fear, the ice will melt and the runs will still be there:)

Now... with numbers still increasing, it is great, to have a little fun post, so we can see who is on which week of the programme, and hopefully it will help everyone to feel more included on the forum.

We can support, encourage and generally help each other, in a positive and friendly way, with no thought of comparison.

Please remember it doesn't matter if you stay on the same week for a while, that is fine; it is a journey and it really doesn't matter how long it takes, it will be so worth it when you get to the final run.

If you have just graduated, also, this will be a great place to keep you motivated,and there is always the Quest on the Bridge to 10k forum also, for Graduates.

So, come and join the fun.... Let us know how it is going :)

Oldfloss x

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Oldfloss profile image
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57 Replies

I've reached Base Camp on foot. It's been such a trek but the view's been great. I'm going to hang around here for a few days to get my strength back and reduce the risk of injury and altitude sickness before attempting the final push to the summit and the treasures to be found there ;)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Sounds like a plan.... :)

" The best view comes after the hardest climb" !

AdventurousWanderer profile image
AdventurousWanderer in reply to Oldfloss


JoOnTheRun profile image

I’m ashamed to say I haven’t run for a month now, really struggling to get motivated with the wintery weather and dark evenings... I was trying to reach a sub 30min 5K ☹️ I must find my running sparkle again!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to JoOnTheRun

Just head out..nothing to prove...just run:)

Slowworm profile image
SlowwormGraduate in reply to JoOnTheRun

Once out I usually find I wonder why it seemed so difficult beforehand... it’s the procrastination that’s the problem for me...

SeeJillRun profile image

I’m due to do W2R1 today but sad to report that the snow has finally reached my house this morning after successfully avoiding it for the last few days. Hoping it’s not much so I can get out tomorrow instead 🤞

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to SeeJillRun

Better safe than sorry... well done you!

trogdelight profile image

Hoping to do week 10 this week once the icy stuff goes. 3 weeks of consolidation runs to come. I'm hoping that this ill set me up for undertaking JuJu's plan to get to 10K.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to trogdelight

It will..you're doing just fine!

angelbetty profile image

W4R1 today. Still running my local hill. Here come the positives...

Asthma improving.

Memory slowly picking up.

Steady weight reduction.

In spite of being hit with a head cold on Wednesday evening, I donned the running gear - thermals running tights and joggers - and got out there.

I was still finished post school run and C25K run by 9.30, a little later than anticipated but an achievement none-the-less, a reason to be proud.

I'm loving how doing these runs is helping lift my mood. I remember historically how being less active has impacted on my moods. The less I did, the less I would want to do. I know I have a long way to go before I qualify as human again but I'm getting there. X

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to angelbetty

What a super post... well done you and how great that you re feeling so much stronger xx

Ladyvickster profile image
LadyvicksterGraduate in reply to angelbetty

Love this. I’m finding the mental health benefits as beneficial if not more so than the physical which I never expected. In fact it’s made me realise how little I look after myself whilst I look after everyone around me. I’m loving the freedom of taking off for 30 mins and not feeling guilty about it

angelbetty profile image
angelbettyGraduate in reply to Ladyvickster

It really is surprising what a difference it does make. It has even been commented on how different I am when I do manage to do some regular physical activity opposed to when I don't. Have you found the same? X

Ladyvickster profile image
LadyvicksterGraduate in reply to angelbetty

It’s early days for me as being honest, I’ve done very little exercise since I had my kids. I do yoga once a week and that is sacred. I’m definitely blue and moody if I don’t get my fix. I realised post Xmas that I didn’t feel right. Physically or mentally. I was exhausted and weirdly running is giving me more energy. I’m sat in the house looking at the mounds of laundry with no motivation and feeling down today and think it is because I didn’t get my running fix. I can see how this gets addictive but it’s a good habit to have!

angelbetty profile image
angelbettyGraduate in reply to Ladyvickster

I hear you! I had to miss out on my women's 2hr health and wellbeing yoga class last night due to a lack of babysitter. I can tell today that I haven't been because I'm more irritable. Although I'm improving I can't face attacking Mount Washmore or the clutter hot-spots just yet. One day I will be human again but until then I will celebrate my little victories one by one. X

damienair profile image

Tomorrow is a big day for me. I started my C25K journey many times and failed. But in 2017 I started again and Graduated in June 2017. I continued to run after that, consolidating 5k and working up to 10K as well as falling in love with Parkrun. Last March I hurt my back and could not run for 6 months as a result. As I recovered I put on a little bit of weight and got unfit again. I spent October and November building my way back to 5K, but stopping again during December.

I’ve worked hard during this January, built my 5K back up and started back at Parkrun as well as losing 14 pounds in weight. Last Saturday I broke my PB of 31:04 at Parkrun and got a new time of 30:38.

Tomorrow is a Parkrun paced event and I will be chasing a new PB and a sub 30 minute time. My 9 year old Son went Sub 30 at Parkrun last weekend, he can’t have all the glory.😂

Wish me luck.


angelbetty profile image
angelbettyGraduate in reply to damienair

Wow! Go you! And your boy! How incredible! I would love to get my kids involved. How did you do it? X

damienair profile image
damienairGraduate in reply to angelbetty

He is doing Parkrun no. 4 tomorrow and I’m doing my 28th Parkrun. He loves the Pancakes in the Cafe afterwards.😂 Promise pancakes.

angelbetty profile image
angelbettyGraduate in reply to damienair

Good idea, I wonder if that would work with mine... Thank you x

damienair profile image
damienairGraduate in reply to angelbetty

Every kid loves a Pancake. And they have it run off them before they get to eat it.

Enjoy your running, and your kids will enjoy it with you.

angelbetty profile image
angelbettyGraduate in reply to damienair

I'm currently running when my kids are at school so that I can enwsome self care time. I might try taking them with me during school holidays so I dont have to stop. I can't imagine my son would want to do it if he had a choice but my girls probably would. Thanks for the inspiration x

Ladyvickster profile image
LadyvicksterGraduate in reply to damienair

Brilliant! Having a child to heat is always a great incentive. Can’t wait until I’m ready to tackle the parkrun with the kids! It’s my graduation goal

Slowworm profile image
SlowwormGraduate in reply to damienair

Keep at it you will get there!

Oldfloss profile image

Just enjoy... and a huge well done to you... and your son :) xxx

damienair profile image
damienairGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

We had an upset to our plan. Poor Oisin tripped at the 1Km mark and landed on his hands and knees on a tarmac path. He cried a little, but dusted himself off and carried on. We missed out on our sub 30 but we finished at 31:30 which I’m proud about.

I just adore Parkrun. Loads of people at the finish line congratulated him for having the courage to get up and finish after such a fall. There will be other days.

Ladyvickster profile image
LadyvicksterGraduate in reply to damienair

Ah well done for dusting him off and finishing! I read some of the testimonials on he Parkrun site and I love how great s community it engenders through the runs. Can’t wait to join in

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to damienair

Super son.. very, very well done indeed!!!

angelbetty profile image
angelbettyGraduate in reply to damienair

Well done to you both for getting such amazing times despite the mishaps x

Bodg profile image

Feeling incredibly proud to say completed W5R3 today. As the run ended the sun came out which was lovely and made my Cheshire cat smile wider. Still a way to go but enjoying it. (Have also completed S&F now too)

deadandalive profile image

Did my W6R1 today and it was fun! It was the coldest I’ve been out, -3°C, so I wore a sweater for the first time since I’ve been running, and I was fine: I opened it by the end even. I ran in the park too, as I felt the frost would be less slippery on its untarred paths, and it was. I never once felt like I was running on slippery ground.

Also: my wife says she hopes she can join me sometime! I haven’t tried to encourage her to because she’s seen me try and fail to run many times. I know it’s different this time but I want her to see it for herself. And that made me feel like she’s starting to!

angelbetty profile image
angelbettyGraduate in reply to deadandalive

Good news all round! Well done to you and good luck for your wife joining you x

Agentmay profile image

Due to do w6r3 today but woke up feeling terrible. I'll see how it goes after dropping my 3 off at martial arts class later but may defer it til tomorrow and hope I feel better.

angelbetty profile image
angelbettyGraduate in reply to Agentmay

Hope its not bad and you're feeling better soon. I ran yesterday with a head cold but felt far better mentally for completing it x

Agentmay profile image
AgentmayGraduate in reply to angelbetty

By the time my daughter had finished her class I was feeling more alive so packed her off with her best friend and did the run. Won't lie the last 5 minutes were so hard I nearly gave up but I do feel a lot better for having done it.

angelbetty profile image
angelbettyGraduate in reply to Agentmay

Well done You! I know it's not easy to do when you're feeling rough but the end result is really worth it. Yay for a rest day tomorrow! X

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Agentmay

Feel better.. the run will wait and you'll enjoy it far more..😉

Agentmay profile image
AgentmayGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

I did manage it this morning, last 5 minutes were very hard and I nearly gave up but didn't. Definitely cleared out my sinuses though :-D

Eternal-blue-18 profile image

I did W3R1 this time last week but the ice and snow has stopped me in my tracks. I’m terrified of falling and injuring myself. I’m hoping it won’t last much longer and that I can just pick up where I left off - I was starting to enjoy it all 🏃‍♀️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Eternal-blue-18

It is a real pain..but ice is something we never run on..simply not worth it..x

Papillon17 profile image

Week 4 Run 3 was mine in sleet, snow rain and the cold with pavements full of puddles but at least I did this one in sort of daylight full grey miserable skies but completed it.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Papillon17

Go you..well done...glorious day here

.freezing cold and surfaces like glass!!!

Ladyvickster profile image

Drumming my fingers waiting for the sun to melt the snow so I can get back on it! W4R2 I’m coming for you

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Ladyvickster

Aren't we all.... we have sun..but it is freezing and the surfaces are like glass... still :) Spring... we are heading towards you!

angelbetty profile image
angelbettyGraduate in reply to Ladyvickster

I'll be right behind you with W4R2 on Monday! X

snagsboson profile image

W6r2 today but not before I go and get my new Garmin GPS watch. New trainers and a watch this week, good job my wife is very understanding!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to snagsboson

Sounds good all around.. so maybe a treat too, for the understanding wife...:)

snagsboson profile image
snagsbosonGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

I’m going offshore overseas for a few weeks so she gets a nice break from me!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to snagsboson

Love it!!

SavaSan profile image

Hi everyone, nice to see so many of you here. It's my first time trying to do a C25K. I'm on W3R1 today. I actually don't mind the weather, as body temperature rises with jogging, I can only assume how it will be during the summer months. I quit smoking for good a month ago. My lung capacity is still not impressive, but I have to say it feels like it's improving with each run. My biggest problem at the mo is the runny nose/congestion during sessions. How do you guys fight that in the cold, and with the sharp contrast of body and atmosphere temperature (while running)?

Best of luck, y'all!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to SavaSan

Slow and steady and just relax... a Buff can help with the cold:)

angelbetty profile image
angelbettyGraduate in reply to SavaSan

I agree with Oldfloss, I'm asthmatic and struggle with air temperature. I wear a thin snood or loose fitting buff over my mouth and nose which helps greatly. Good luck with your running x

Couchpotato2 profile image

This week has been week 6 for me and it’s been ok. Had a bit of apprehension before today’s 25’. It required will power especially uphill but teeth gritted, went past that xx 10’ pain barrier and carried on and enjoyed it. Having tried treadmill, I much prefer outdoors despite hills.

Now I have a bit of a dilemma. I was due to run Friday but my friend was up for park run on Saturday and so I thought I’d do it too (first one). I then booked personal training and yoga for Thursday knowing I had an extra day to recover. It seems that my friend cannot now do the park run. Do I stick with Friday run or do I do a pr on my own? Knowing that the one I can get to easily on my own is one of the “hardest” ones?

That’s why I like running every other day, I don’t have to worry about planning and just do it!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Couchpotato2

Maybe just go... and take it really gently..do the required run and take it slow as you like:)

You are doing wonderfully!

Couchpotato2 profile image
Couchpotato2Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks Oldfloss!

Weymouth53 profile image

Im a newby on week 2 of C25K.

How do you stay on the early weeks (W1 or W2) if youve clicked on the Run 3 etc? is it common for folk to take longer than the 9 weeks then?

What do you mean by Graduation? Is that those that have done the 9 weeks and can now run 5k?



Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Weymouth53


Please do read this.... it will answer many of your questions:)

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