What is Your Week. February... Week 4... - Couch to 5K

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What is Your Week. February... Week 4...

Oldfloss profile image
51 Replies

Here I am again... a day late again! I have had a busy running week with many adventures, and thanks to some lovely sunshine... have had a real SPRING in my step:)

My photograph shows what I am hoping to be doing this week. No... not posing on a park seat... ! :)

Trentham Gardens, near to me, changes the early morning opening times for card holders, and I will be finding fairies. as I head there for some early morning runs to supplement my HM training!!

Our numbers still, wonderfully, continue to rise... and although it is tricky to keep up with everyone's progress... it is great to have a little fun post, so we can see who is on which week of the programme, and hopefully it will help everyone to feel more included on the forum.

We can support, encourage and generally help each other, in a positive and friendly way, with no thought of comparison.

Please remember it doesn't matter if you stay on the same week for a while, that is fine; it is a journey and it really doesn't matter how long it takes, it will be so worth it when you get to the final run.

If you have just graduated, also, this will be a great place to keep you motivated,and there is always the Quest on the Bridge to 10k forum also, for Graduates.

So, come and join the fun.... Let us know how it is going :)

Oldfloss x

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Oldfloss profile image
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51 Replies
Buddy34 profile image

Hi, I am really glad that there is c25k as I would never have ran otherwise, and I would never have thought I could run 30 minutes 3x a week thanks to this plan and all the support and advice on here thank you 😊😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Buddy34

Brilliant... where is your running going to take you this week?

Buddy34 profile image
Buddy34Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

For now my usual route with hills then I'm going to sort a new one so I don't get bored 😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Buddy34

Great stuff..the hill work reallly pays dividends and new routes are exciting!

mummybowles profile image

Just back from Week Six Run One. Loving it. Feeling a real sense of personal achievement and loving the camaraderie on here, which is motivational. I'm hugely inspired by everyone on here; especially those older than me. It's my 47th birthday this week and I'm following people five, ten, twenty years my senior. If they can do it, this Spring Chicken certainly can !! Thanks everyone. Have a great day

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to mummybowles

Well done you.. and yes.. I am 22 years your senior... :) You are a youngster! :)

There are so many inspirational folk on here... they certainly keep me on track!

ButtercupKid profile image
ButtercupKidGraduate in reply to mummybowles

Happy birthday ! I offer you a piece of useful advice from Jo Brand: “Birthdays are nature’s way of telling us to eat more cake.” Enjoy your day x

mummybowles profile image
mummybowlesGraduate in reply to ButtercupKid

Haha I'll remember that, thank you !

micey2 profile image
micey2Graduate in reply to mummybowles

Have a great birthday, you’re just a youngster eat that cake, run that run 😀😀

mummybowles profile image
mummybowlesGraduate in reply to micey2

Thank you. I can eat more cake now that I'm running it off afterwards!

SeeJillRun profile image
SeeJillRunGraduate in reply to mummybowles

Happy birthday for this week! 🎉 🎂

mummybowles profile image
mummybowlesGraduate in reply to SeeJillRun

Thank you! It's on Friday which luckily for me is my rest day!

SeeJillRun profile image
SeeJillRunGraduate in reply to mummybowles

Hope you have a fun day! 😃

RevRunner profile image

Hi there Oldfloss, I’m getting back into the routine of three runs a week.

I’m sticking to just over 5k actual running at the moment each time with the idea of adding a bit more hill work when the mostly flat run I have been using, with some slight variations, feels easier than it does now.

It would be really nice to speed things up a bit but I guess that will come with running consistently again.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to RevRunner

Just lots of running.. different routes and all types... it evolves.. Speed and distance... I am having to learn to run on the flat!

RevRunner profile image
RevRunnerGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

I’m not short of hills where I am and have a few ideas, but don’t feel ready yet - also I am motivated by good old Strava giving me comparisons. Mind I managed both my fastest run and my slowest run this year this week!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to RevRunner

Brilliant:) It is interesting... when I did my first really flat run, at a Park Run, a few weeks ago.. I foolishly thought I would be faster... it was like running through treacle... but after three weeks .. I have shaved nearly four minutes off a 5K time:) Practice makes perfect:)

skysue16 profile image

What an interesting photo, lovely sculpture and beautiful view. What a great place to run! Enjoy 😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to skysue16

The fairy sculptures are all over the gardens and some stunning other ones too, on the woodland walks. It is great and the route around the lake is useful.. but a tad short.. so I shall be trying one way then another and variations on other paths too. It is fine before it gets busier later on. The lake walk is very popular with the more seasoned members of the community! i.e. old folk like me... only they are strolling :) xx

sofiaO profile image

I've just completed my 7th post graduation run. I am sticking to the same pace currently but it takes me 45 minutes to reach 5k, that is 5 min warm up, 35 min run and 5 min cool down. I really just want to be able to run 5k in an average time!! Thinking some interval runs to increase speed may be the way forward..

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to sofiaO

Lots of mixed runs.. short, longer , slower and speedier..It is the longer slower runs that build up stamina and distance and speed.. :)

sofiaO profile image
sofiaOGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks they're my favourite type. I'm just really enjoying that at the moment but will try to start mixing it up abit now.

MotherPip profile image

Morning Oldfloss. Well I'm still in week zero. Don't run at all really. I still do the odd parkrun if we go away anywhere, but it is mostly walked with the odd jog thrown in.

I did graduate in 2017, though never actually got myself to 5 k as suffered badly from anxiety and lack of confidence in the parkrun scenario and never jigged a full 30 minutes again and never went sub 50. Ironically I do love the whole idea of parkrun, and regularly volunteer.

At the turn of 2018 I decided to redo C25K from scratch...started off better than the previous year then my knee went, GP reckons just arthritis. Gradually started jogging bits of the occasional parkrun but with little success. Only ever bailed on one though. We got a new parkrun neighbour at Fleetwood Promenade and i volunteered there a couple of times and one day we ran it, except My knee screamed at me about 20 metres in. At least I didn't have that to hobble back to start..and volunteer coordinator even gave me a job.

I have generally rested my knee and was determined to start again with C25K from November( dark nights, illuminations finished and the tourists gone home). Instead I found breast cancer, so having had surgery including reconstruction, it was wounds and a delicate booby holding me up.. Anyways Just on the radiotherapy trips now, so booby getting tender again and I'm supposed to flipping rest haha. My gremlin Stanley is surely rejoicing but he's in for a shock as I'm not familiar bushed yet, and he will be forced out for another attempt, but only when I'm up to it. I'm sure he will try and convince me that I'm not...but I will bide my time and I WILL be back out there at some point.

I am sorry to have been a lurker and not contributor for the past year ... I remain inspired by many. My fella is also inspiring as he has continued his running journey, is almost a sub 30 on 5k ( was 44 mins at beginning) has done a fee10 is and next month has found a 15k stroke resolution to do. I admit that although pleased for him it has demoralised me to as I am so envious about how well he has done...but I will persevere...happy running Oldfloss, the gardens look lovely but I will stick to the seaside and our promenade x

Millsie-J profile image
Millsie-JGraduate in reply to MotherPip

Good to see you posting MPip.

So sorry to hear about everything you are dealing with, virtual hugs winging your way.

Stanley the Gremlin had better steer clear once you feel ready to run, you are going to knock his socks off.

Stay posting MP, you have lots of experience to share with others xxxxxxx

ButtercupKid profile image
ButtercupKidGraduate in reply to MotherPip

Sorry to hear about all your struggles - you’ve fairly been having a time of it. I also have confidence issues and I was shockingly unfit when I started: after nearly collapsing after jogging for 20 seconds on my first time out, I started doing two walking paces (“brisk” and “catch the post office before it shuts on Saturday”). It took me nine weeks of repeats to conquer week 1 and another three to get through week 2. Through that I learned the First Rule of C25k: The only run you fail is the run you don’t go for.

As to comparing yourself with others - don’t. We aren’t the same - we have different leg lengths, for a start ! I’ve been running regularly for almost six months but I’ve still never run beyond 3k: others on here pass 5k in week 6. That can feel demoralising sometimes, but the fact is that their success takes nothing from my progress. I’ve got in the habit, when I feel a bit crushed, of reminding myself what week 1 felt like, and what I feel like now.

I suffer periodically from depression and anxiety and just now I’m studying CBT - there’s none available here unless you can pay and I can’t - and totally unexpectedly I’ve realised that I’ve spent the whole of my life in competition with my brother. Consciously as a child, but subconsciously ever since. It’s a brand new realisation and I’m not sure where it’ll take me, but I’m already appalled by the pity and the waste of it. Don’t fall into the same trap. No-one else can be you. You’re special, you’re capable, you can do this. We’re all right here with you. Run for you, and never mind what anyone else is up to. Enjoy your journey x

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate in reply to MotherPip

Hi MotherPip, I was thinking about you the other day😚...

Sorry to hear what you have and are going through...this can only make you stronger, you are dealing with it, and as you say you WILL be back out there when the time is right.

There is nothing wrong with slow and steady running, take your time, stop to take photos, and build up slowly...but for now just enjoy this early spring sunshine and enjoy your seaside walks.

Keep posting...


Oldfloss profile image

Seaside and promenade sound perfect to me... I cannot wait to get back to my beloved Criccieth on the 7th March :)

You have had one heck of a journey, I know... and are coming through it amazingly.

This is all sounding really positive...just focus on your achievement on all levels...getting through this radiotherapy and healing gently.... You and we will still be here when all is well...:)

Bluebirdrunner refocused me on the importance of enjoyment in all aspects of my running... and of not comparing with anyone else...It is brilliant that your chap is doing so well... but you are inspirational...

You will do this... and we ill be right there beside you xx

Please keep us posted xx


Give Stanley a message from me please...On your bike , Stanley, you're going to need it to keep up with this lady!!!

ButtercupKid profile image

Having graduated, to my own surprise, on Feb 11th, I’ve started my plan of alternating consolidation runs with repeating C25k uphill (!) Made a good start, then pulled a muscle in bed while kicking someone during a nightmare. It could only happen to me 😂 So I’m taking an extra couple of rest days, aiming to be back out on Monday and see how it goes.

Coincidentally, I also passed my driving test on Feb 11th, nine years ago. I’ve decided to declare it International You Can Do It Day 😄

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to ButtercupKid

I love it... IYCDI day!!!!! Well done you!!!! All sounding very positive there.. except for the muscle pulling!!

ButtercupKid profile image
ButtercupKidGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Getting some great tips from everyone for bedtime stretch routines though 😀

micey2 profile image

Hi oldfloss, like buddy I’d never have done what I’ve done without couch to 5k. I just graduated last week and celebrated by doing my first 5k at my first Parkrun yesterday. I met some lovely people there too despite being on my own....so this week another couple of consolidation runs and another park run next Saturday before work. Lovely weather forecast too we’ve lots to look forward to. For me that means getting a 40 minute 5k eventually.....I dont know or actually care if I’ll ever do a 30minute one, just enjoying being out there 😀😀

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to micey2

All sounds really positive... and just enjoying the runs is exactly right... well done you!

micey2 profile image
micey2Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

Rightly or wrongly ( probably wrongly) I decided to go out this afternoon and just have a tootle along a nearby track, not worrying about how long I was actually running for but just because the weather was so beautiful and I had no aches or pains after my 5k yesterday.......so at one of my slowest paces ever I completed just over 3k and thoroughly enjoyed it, I probably only ran continuously for 25 minutes after my warm up walk but didn’t care I enjoyed it.....one day I’ll be able to actually run the full 5k 😊😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to micey2

You will...the more runs you do.. the longer slower ones especially... make for strong legs, stamina and strength, and distance and speed may follow:)

micey2 profile image
micey2Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you I needed to hear that😊😊

limberlou profile image

Well I haven’t run since feb 1st ... after the problems with my eye and being told not to run for at least 3 months, then seeing the next specialist who said 2 or 3 weeks and then “ don’t put your life on hold”. Then I have been helping my daughter clear out her grandparents house she has bought( inherited a third and buying the other 2/3 from her dad and Aunty) whilst also trying to get her to clear through and get rid of some of her own stuff( she is a hoarder of the first degree).

She has a 2 bed flat full, and a room full at her dads house AND a room and a half and an attic full at mine too. And she still is hanging onto half the old clutter from her grandparents house. She needs a Tardis really to fit it all in I think.

I watched my son doing part of his Power lifting competition this morning then I am driving my daughter back to Bridgwater ( college for 2 weeks) then I’m back home tonight for a good nights sleep before .......

SO... my plan is to start back gently tomorrow morning and run alternate days again building up gradually to where I was last summer. Alternate days will be my YDB exercises .....2 or 3 a day if possible. And injuries and disasters permitting.

I can do this!!!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to limberlou

You can... with workouts such as those you are having.. your strength and stamina will be incredible... Take it slow and take it steady,,, and enjoy... PHEW!!!!!

Sandie1961 profile image

Love Trentham Gardens! I had a work contract for nearly 2 years in Stoke about 5 years ago (long before C25k was even a twinkle in my eye!) and had to rent a flat during the week. To avoid just sitting in front of the telly on my own every night, I used to go down to Trentham for a walk round the lake or through the Italian garden after work during the lighter months. Lovely! Anyway, back from skiing so going back to 3 runs a week (have a 10k to do for NRC Feb challenge by Thursday!). First 10k race on 7 April, so short runs with glute squeezing, parkruns and longer runs to prepare.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Sandie1961

Wonderful... I bet we crossed paths many times:) Go you..lots of positive goals there... !

LiisaM profile image

Dear Oldfloss, the winter has destroyed my progress and I am starting all over again. I once walked 2 miles a day before starting running. Now walking 2 miles in our rest from winter is making me feel muscles that died. Well, once I walked whether it was winter or not, but life has gotten more difficult as a caregiver. But spring is in the wings; I believe I heard spring birds already although spring is still officially a month away. I asked someone in the grocery store and she heard them, too; it's not just me and wishful thinking. I am promising to do what I can to get up and running again, but we have another winter warning today for high winds and more snow.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to LiisaM

Hello you xx

Just do what you can... when you can.... you are doing wonderfully.

Those muscles will warm again as the sun returns... giving renewed life to your mind, your body and your soul...:)

In these winter days.. we stay warm and we plot and we plan.. and when the Spring warmth begins to touch us once again.. that's when we begin to move :)

Hold fast my friend xxx

RunRunRun13 profile image

I’m on week 6 Run 2 and actually enjoying running outside in the countryside...normally do my runs at 7am and do a circuit round our local lake, just gorgeous watching all the nature waking up and only runners and a few dog walkers up at that time of the morning. Completely motivated by reading everyone’s posts on here and such inspiring people that keep me on track, so thank you. 🏃‍♀️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to RunRunRun13

Well done you... a perfect location for these lovely longer runs:)

SeeJillRun profile image

Oh I’m so jealous that you’re so close to Trentham Gardens! I love the wire fairies, my favourites are the ones with dandelion clocks, especially the spinning one. I really must visit one day!

I started Week 5 yesterday, so I’m looking forward to the longer runs now. I can’t quite believe I’m almost halfway through already.

The side effects of enjoying running have taken me by surprise too. I’m much more consistent with the exercises for my plantar fasciitis n tendon dysfunction now as I don’t want anything to get in the way of me running, and I’ve also introduced some yoga on some rest days to keep me stretchy n strengthen my core. And then there’s the reading! I’ve just finished The Pants of Perspective by Anna McNuff n am wondering what to follow it up with so any suggestions are welcome 😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to SeeJillRun

All sounding, just great.. yes... Trentham is a short drive or a longer 6 mile run:) Small runner in training loves it there, walking the lake and the gardens...

You are on track with your exercises and your strength and stamina work.. well done you!

SeeJillRun profile image
SeeJillRunGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks! 😃

JJS21 profile image

Hello Old Floss, I’m often in Trentham Gardens, perhaps I’ve seen you. Keep up the good work.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to JJS21

Oh wow. That is amazing.. I am the one in weird funky leggings!

Viv49 profile image

I have a season ticket for Trentham Gardens too, that's my aim - to run round the lake!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Viv49

It is fun ....we could run it together😉

Friendlyengineer profile image

Hi Oldfloss

So, first time in this forum. Im on week 7, just done run 1 this morning. Im lucky i have a treadmill at home, given to us my my wifes brother in law to store cause it wasnt working, so i fixed it and am using it. Ive also done a couple of runs outside, which im finding much harder. but The view of the sea ave countryside keeps me going. I did 2k in the 25 min run this morning, which i thought was ok

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