Today was the start of my final week on this course. Week 9. Run 1.
I've also had an entire week off and was nervous about forgetting how to run or not being able to do the extra two minutes.
It was snowing outside when we left 🌨
Luckily the snow wasn't setting so me and Dooze decided to go do our run anyway.
We ran along the beach where we have done before. One thing I noticed straight away is that my leg muscles didn't hurt at all. Infact I'd say the first 10-15 minutes is one of the easiest I've had on these long runs. It was smooth sailing 🛥
I've definitely still got my running legs.
The second 15 minutes was tough though.
I got tired and had to slow riiiight down, but more so than that, my hands were FREEZING. To the point where they hurt so much! It was a distraction for me. My mind very quickly went to all the reasons I should quit and try again another day.
I struggled with that last bit, I think running in the extreme cold alongside the coast is just a bit difficult especially after being ill with the mega stomach lurgies, I think a week off was sufficient but I do need to be much more hydrated before my next run too.
I ran extra slow for that last bit, and when the sprint came up, I gave it a go but only managed to sprint for 30 seconds. It wasn't feeling right. Jo said in my ear earlier during the run that sometimes runs are easy and sometimes they're hard for no reason. This run was a bit of both!
I'm glad I did it though. I'm happy to be back on the run 🏃 I felt all the feelings afterwards of a clear mind that are the reason I run for.
My legs aren't aching at all which I'm also happy about
Does anyone else get snot absolutely everywhere when it's cold out? I'm pretty sure I literally saw snot fly off me into the road! 🙈