So I completed couch to 5k in November and continued to run albeit about 2.5-3k approx 3 times a week. But a couple of weeks ago I did my first run of the week fine, did a couple of classes and gym and then struggled to even do 2k on the next run. I understand that I may have over done it but I am finding it really hard to go out in the cold weather as I struggle to warm up and my lungs hurt from the cold. Worried I am going to find it harder the longer it goes without running ... any advise?
Completed couch to 5k last year: So I completed... - Couch to 5K
Completed couch to 5k last year

You don't say what made you stop on your last run.
If you don't run consistently then your ability and fitness will dwindle.........use it or lose it prevails..........but that loss is slow.
I suspect that it is very much a mental battle with you. Many new graduates feel aimless and less motivated than they did while working through C25k, which is why I suggest, in the guide to post C25k running that creating some short, medium and long term aims for your running is very important, so that you reap some rewards for your efforts on a weekly basis, with some further targets to move on to.
Take the pressure off. Run for fun. If you are not enjoying it you will not persist.
I graduated just as we were getting colder weather so swapped my 5k runs for shorter runs and upped my gym classes. My last run was hard as I think I over did it and didn’t have rest days even though it is a short run thought it would effect me. Going to go out today at lunch and see how I get on.

Welcome back ! If the cold is part of the problem, is there a treadmill anywhere you could use ?
Hi yes I thought about that but opted for HIIT classes as less boring. Going to blow the cobwebs off today and go for a lunchtime run and see how I get on

Were you properly hydrated? The first and only time I’ve not been able to finish a run was because I’d not drunk my usual amount of tea & water beforehand, I felt like I ran out of juice. Was anything else different with that run?
I’ve bought a thin bamboo snood so I can run in the cold, I can pull it up over my mouth (is light enough) and breath through it so I’m not getting very cold air in. And when I’m warmed up I can pull it down & up with no problem.
Treadmill is another good idea.
Thanks for the advice normally have extra water before run but think I was a bit burnt out not listening to my body and struggle to warm up so that definitely didn’t help. Going to get out there and try today and see how I get on

I had to drag myself out into the driving rain and cold last night. I was dreading it. But turned out to be an amazing run. I was elated afterwards and buzzed for the rest of the evening.
I agree, wear a buff or light scarf and breath through it.