Been doing couch to 5k and I’m having trouble with pain in. Yo hips ... any ideas? I’ve been through the programme once now doing it with my brother and trying to improve my pace a little.
Hip pain: Been doing couch to 5k and I’m having... - Couch to 5K
Hip pain

Are you warming up well, and stretching after each and every run...Have you had a break from running maybe... ?

Welcome to the forum.
This guide to the plan is essential reading
Maybe you need to slow down to reduce impact, or perhaps your shoes are either worse fro wear or just not up to it.
Core strengthening exercises build up supporting musculature.
If it persists consult your GP or a physio.

It depends where in the hips the pain is. Hip pain could be coming from your back or hamstrings or you could have a weak core. If you don't already, then start doing core strength exercises especially planks and side planks. Google some YouTube videos and join a pilates class which is brilliant for your core.
Warm up properly, stretch afterwards and use a foam roller or tennis ball to sit on the ball to ease out any tightness there.
If none of this works,then it's time to see a sports physio for a proper diagnosis.
On reflection It could be any of those! I have noticed the pain is reduced when walking if I hold my core in, so good place to start. Thanks.

I found stretching is the best way to alleviate This pain. I stretch for 10 seconds on each stretch at the beginning of runs and 20-30 secs at the end of the session. It's very relaxing too Include side stretches in this and give your hamstrings a good stretch. Good luck
Pre run stretches should be dynamic, not static, as linked to in the guide to the plan
It's not hurt me to do this in 2 years so I'll keep doing it
Static stretching pre run is linked to injury.
The causes are multifactorial. But as a mentor I'll take your word for it but I will still do it my way as it has worked for me. Thanks for your advice
As a mentor my role is to guide people safely through the programme. If someone suggests something that goes against the received wisdom, as I see it, then it is my duty to point that out.
It is not a rebuke to you and you are of course free to do as you wish, so my response is as much to a wider readership as it is to you.
Take care.
Thanks Iannodatruffle, if I’m honest I do less stretching before a run, more about getting moving. I’ll refocus my pre-run routine and focus on stretching my hip flexors, hamstrings and quads, (dynamic stretching as you suggest). Appreciate your help. It’s obvious I should be doing more. Sometimes just needs saying!