Starting again...: Hi, it's been a long time... - Couch to 5K

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Starting again...

Peter_B profile image
25 Replies

Hi, it's been a long time since I posted in here. I don't know if anybody will remember me.

I originally started C25K back in August 2014, graduating in the November (an injury held me up for a few weeks).

After graduation I carried on running 3 times a week over the next few months. Then I started going to Parkrun in March of 2015. My weekly routine then was 2 runs in the week with Parkrun on Saturday and I stuck to that as religiously as I could. I got to the point where I would occasionally run 10K but mostly settled on two 8K runs and Parkrun a week and that was how it was for the next 18 months or so.

Things started to go wrong in late October/November 2016, just after I'd set my Parkrun PB.

I picked up a cold, which turned into a cough that hung around for a good few weeks. I was left with a pain in my side. Initially I, and my doctor, thought it was caused as a result of the cough - a muscle strain or similar. When it hadn't cleared up after Christmas I went back to the GP who sent me for a chest x-ray and referred me for an ultrasound. In the meantime he gave me some antibiotics in case as he suspected it might be a gall bladder infection. The x-ray was clear and by the time I got the ultrasound appointment the antibiotics had done their job and whatever it was had cleared up.

By this time I'd missed about 7 weeks of running, but I was able to get started again and build up once more.

So I tried to get back to the routine of 2 runs in the week and Parkrun at the weekend which continued for the next few months. Unfortunately I started getting, what I thought at the time were, colds - sore throat and generally feeling rough. I'd get the cold, feel rough for a week or so then be ok for a couple of weeks before starting again.

It made it difficult to run with any consistency - when I felt rough I wouldn't feel able to run, then when I felt better it was short lived before I fell ill again.

This went on and on. I spoke to the doctor about it (a different one to previously). She did some blood tests, which didn't show anything so she put it down to me picking up bugs from my twin boys who were at nursery. She told me to go back after a couple of months if things didn't improve.

This is now June/July of 2017. Over the summer things didn't improve so I went back. By now I was really fed up with it all but I'd started wondering if I'd been describing the problem properly. It had occurred to me that it always started in my throat so I wondered if it could be related to my tonsils. I raised the question with the doctor but she didn't think that was the case. She said it was likely the infection from earlier in the year had knocked my immune system right down and it was just taking time to recover. I was told to give it more time and to go back if no improvement after a couple of months.

Get to November 2017, the cycle had continued and one weekend my throat was so painful I had to go to the out of hours doctor. The diagnosis - tonsillitis and a course of antibiotics. It seemed my suspicion of my tonsils might have been right all along. I was hopeful that the antibiotics would sort things out once and for all.

Unfortunately that wasn't the case. It seems my tonsils were well and truly knackered. I had another 5 confirmed instances of tonsillitis before March this year. At this point I could be referred to have them removed.

I'd tried to carry on with my running all through this but it became very difficult. All the times when I couldn't run caused me to lose fitness, which meant that when I could run I struggled and didn't enjoy it.

Added to that was the fact that I felt so rotten most of the time I wasn't really paying attention to what I ate so weight started piling on, which made running harder.

Following the referral in March, I had an initial appointment with the consultant in May, then a date for the operation at the end of July.

After the consultant appointment I gave up running. I didn't want to but it just wasn't fun. So I stopped, intending to start again after the operation.

As I said the operation was at the end of July (2 days before my 40th birthday). I'm recovered but haven't yet started running again.

No excuses I just haven't done it.

But I miss it. I miss being able to run. I miss being up and out running with the sunrise (in the summer months). I miss going to Parkrun.

So I am going to start C25K again, with the goal of graduating again before Christmas.

However I've been saying that to myself for the past few weeks but still haven't managed it. So I've come back here and written this as a line in the sand.

Now that I've told people that's what I'm doing I have to do it don't I?

Thanks for reading and apologies for the length of this post!

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Peter_B profile image
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25 Replies
uncle_wiggy profile image

Peter you are going to be fine, I rough time recently no doubt about that,but you've been in good shape a lot more recently than many people on here!

You know the drill... Start slow & build up gradually.

You've already made up your mind...

Now get yourself out there & do it!!!

Best of luck to you, take it easy and enjoy Peter mk2 🍀

Honeybee63 profile image

Hi Peter,

Sorry to hear you’ve had such an awful time after achieving so much through C25k and Park Runs initially. I too have embarked on C25k now after a serious health problem two years ago, and am having good run days and bad run days and I’m only at W6R2! I’ve tried Park Run in the past and found it really intimidating, coming in second to last on both occasions!! I seem to be much better as a sole runner, doing my own (snail) pace right now!! I’m managing to clock up about 3.5k in 32 mins just now, and I really can’t imagine getting up to 5k any time soon - 5k by Christmas would be a dream to me I think, one minute I think YES I CAN DO IT, next minute I’m dragging my sorry feet slowly one in front the other, feeling like collapsing, just as Laura tells me on my headphones that there’s 60 minutes to go!!

You’ve done fantastically well previously, so stick with your plan, I’m sure you’ll do it. I totally recognise what you’ve been through after supporting my adult daughter through a tonsillectomy a couple of years ago, she went through hell with frequent episodes, before finally being allowed the operation.

You HAVE TO DO IT now 😀😀😀

sHAYM4N profile image

Wow Peter, defo looks like you've been through the ringer! If it's any comfort you won't be the first or last to repeat CT5K (I'm on my second attempt now). I'm sure being a runner before you'll be back to your best (or better) in no time, and yes now you've posted about it you have to do it! Go for it!! :D

Now-runner_NeedsAttn profile image
Now-runner_NeedsAttnGraduate in reply to sHAYM4N

Me too, definitely a lot easier the second time because you know what it's all about. I started from W1R1 and have resisted the temptation to skip ahead or take any other short cuts. Good luck!

AlMorr profile image

What an inspiring post from you Peter, o my goodness you have been struggling a lot over the last few years, I just hope that the worst is past, keep it here on C25K, you will find that there are many regular names contributing daily now, but I don't think that there are any names still here from 4 years ago the first time you were here on C25K. If you start now, in 9 weeks when you graduate that will be just before Christmas, what a fantastic Christmas you will have after graduating, good luck.

damienair profile image

I graduated last summer and just like you was doing 2 runs during the week and Parkrun on Saturday morning. I worked really hard and got down to a sub 30 minute 5K and also did the odd 10K. Did nothing last November and December, but got back into it again in January of this year and was back to 5K and Parkrun. But at the end of March I hurt my back, and was in agony. Turned out I had a dislocated left hip from a motorcycle spill from a couple of years before. I got sorted out with loads of physio and was told not to run again for a few months. I started again in September slowly building back up to 5K and am now running/jogging 5K in about 36 mins which I am happy with. I will spend the rest of the winter building up a good base.

So your in good company. Get back out there.

Dexy5 profile image

So sorry to hear about your health issues. Now you have told us you are going to start again I suggest you also tell us which day your first run will be, then it really will happen. You’ve done this before and you can do it before. Remember how good it feels to be a runner.


Irishprincess profile image

I remember you Peter. Welcome back 🙂

You've been through rough times but your body will remember what it learned before and it's a great goal for Christmas 🤗 Enjoy the ride!

davelinks profile image

Good to see you back, you're all healed up and feeling good, then go for it!

Slowly of course..😊

Tartancat profile image

You've got to do it now - we'll all be waiting for your next post (no pressure though!) Go forth and enjoy 😊

IannodaTruffe profile image

Welcome back.

This guide to the plan is essential reading

Enjoy your journey.

hereshop profile image


don't apologise for length of post, 😊

good luck, get started again and do it at your own pace.

we are all only a finger click away to support you

well I am! everyone else seems to thumb text, my son says im weird doing it like that maybe my thumbs are too fat 😂 plus im more likely to drop the phone. anyway keep us updated on here

Yes you do have to do it! - for you. You’ll be back at Park runs before you know it and reaching your C25K goal. There’s plenty of motivational posts and support on here. Welcome back 🙂

Wow Peter! You really have had a rough trot lately. Anyway you’ve taken the first step so in my eyes you’ve began your journey again. And what a fine journey it will be. I’m sure it won’t be long before your running 10ks again.

Welcome back and onward and upward!👍👏🏃‍♂️🤗🤗

GTTOBS profile image

Hi Peter, Oosht! What you’ve been though is enough to floor anyone! Easy does it, I had a wee blip recently and my mojo just went awol, I started back with a decent couple of walks then resumed c25k. You got this! Enjoy

Big_maz profile image
Big_maz in reply to GTTOBS

I’m the same lost my mojo really want to start again but it’s getting into it I will because I love running and it effect on me mentally and physically

GailMichelle profile image

Hi Peter , hang on in there, brave soul. You are so determined- you'll do it! I got to week 7 end of May and was SO happy as I was a non runner before, but then had to stop- double foot fractures, then a foot sprain last week. I also have Lyme's Disease so put on a ton of weight (20 kilos in 6 years!) which makes running even harder. But I'm determined that as soon as I can I will get back to the programme I will. Psychologically it made me feel like a winner, albeit a slow overwight, middle-aged one! We're all winners too- so you go!

Love from sunny Chantilly, northern France.

Peter_B profile image

Thanks for all the support everyone!

Well...I've started (again)! I set the alarm for 5 am this morning and got up and out the door to do W1R1.

It felt good just to be back out there doing the warm up walk again. The run itself went well.

Hopefully I'll now be able to have a proper run at it and get back to somewhere near where I was.

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Graduate in reply to Peter_B

Well done Peter! A cliche I know but you have taken the hardest step in getting up and getting out there. However, the fact you posted on the forum that you wanted to get back to it was a strong indicator you were ready. Keep going and celebrate graduation with your favourite Xmas tipple 😃

Ificandoit profile image

As you say - a line in the sand - step over that line and don’t look back!

Paul51 profile image

Youve laid the gauntlet so now you have to get up and do it mate.ive just started it with two runs third sure ehen you start it you will het back into it.i know thst from other yhings ive done consistancy is the key do up and at it mate and keep us up to date with your progress

TanyaGel profile image

Wow 😮 sounds like you have been through the mill - however you also sound determined to get back to where you was. I think mentally it is always hard to return to something , but having the support of this community along with family and friends is a huge help.

Since starting C25K this will have been my 3td attempt - I have interacted much more this time and have gone further.

I have no doubt you will have achieved your goal by Christmas 💪😄

dbest profile image

Welcome back

Beanjo profile image

Well you’ve certainly been through the mill Peter but good on you for getting out there. 👍

You’ve started it now and I’m sure you’ll soon get back to your previous fitness level. Keep at it and keep posting 😊 and keep running 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️

useitorloseit profile image

Hi Peter - I remember you well! I have lapsed as well. I ran properly until this year really, with a few breaks for injury and illness. I posted here a couple of weeks ago when I decided to get back into running on a regular basis, but life just keeps getting in the way. My parents are both afflicted with dementia, and we have spent so much time on them it doesn't leave much time for running. We've now got to get their bungalow sorted out and marketed too, so I don't see things easing up any time soon. It's nuts - all I need is a couple of hours 3x per week, but just don't seem to find those windows. I'm more often able to do something later in the day, so have taken to walking when I get the opportunity, which is just as strenuous given that we've moved to a very hilly part of Wales! Good luck, and hope your health is better now.

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