Squeezed in my 6th consolidation run tonight in that ‘golden’ 30 minutes between sun set and it actually getting dark!
Ran on the moors to avoid the roads. Set off with no more than 15m visibility, cattle appeared from no where, sheep were nearly invisible but I knew my track so got my head down and had a great run, finished off with a big hill to kill the last 5 minutes and when I stopped and turned around to complete my walk cool down I raised my eyes to realise the fog had receded and left a beautiful scene of tors rising from pools of mist, if I had any breath left it would have taken it away.
To me this is the absolute joy of running, getting out and seeing something that perhaps for a moment you are the only person to see (same could be said for walking of course)
Worth the blister from a new insole set up!
Keep on keeping on!