Well that was a slog but finally got there, failed run 1 but nailed it 2nd time, failed run 2 massively so bad that I only got to about 15 minutes, but again I managed the 2nd attempt, run 3 was awful too, again I only got just over halfway tho I did do some sprints as part of the walk back to the car so it wasn’t a total waste. Did run 3 again this morning and although it was tough and I did want to stop a few times I kept going till the end, roll on week 9, hopefully won’t have to do it so many times.
Week 8 finally done: Well that was a slog but... - Couch to 5K
Week 8 finally done

What’s this word beginning with F? I don’t understand. The runs you didn’t complete and then repeated built those leg muscles up, made you physically stronger and also shot your confidence a little... now here you are... week 8 done, stronger than ever before... great job, now let’s watch you close this programme out... it’s tough, you are tougher.
Ha ha fair point, I can see why you don’t like the fail word but I use failure to motivate me to so it works both ways, I also use it to learn, each of the uncompleted runs had a reason, wrong shoes on 1, phone arm strap fell apart on run 2 and the jerk of it falling paused my app then by the time I got it going I had lost my stride, and rushed out for run 3 forgetting to do my stretches, so bought a new flip belt for my phone and added shoes and stretches to my mental check list before I leave the house, so failure does help even tho it’s not a nice word.
It does... a coach I follow allows his athletes to be beaten down, beaten up, but never beaten... it’s all semantics I guess. This plan is a bit strange as you don’t move on until you complete... so there’s repeats. Later you’ll get a sucky run that goes from bad to worse, but still did a job, and move on to a completely different run next time out.
I’ve yet to do any pre run stretches, but I did once finish all beaten up and walked to the car... must have been home a couple of hours before I’d forgotten to stretch... extra yoga next day.
It’s not actually a stretch as such I do, my friend is a physio (and a runner) and I told her I was struggling with my calf muscles, she gave me an exercise to do to strengthen them and I found when I did them half an hour before a run I was in less pain.
That’s cool... I need a physio friend, my physio kinda hates me 😂. Well she did, but now I’m running she’s ok.
Before I started this I had a couple of niggles that I asked Her about, she said your problem is you are too old and too fat to still be playing 5 a side football, I pointed out it was the only exercise I did at the time soshe encouraged me to take up running instead, less turning so apparently less joint injuries, I compromised, I do both, so hopefully the less weight will help my knees to last a bit longer. 😂
Haha... that sounds familiar... I been told off for doing all sorts for years, then she suddenly stopped telling me not to run after new scans a couple of years ago... I figured she’d forgotten but the it wasn’t mentioned again... and again... so obviously it was time to run. Saw her recently and she said it was about time... can’t win 😂
Football is very hard on the joints, sprint, turn, sprint, turn, tackle... Just about the most punishment you can get. Rugby at school was better for my knees than football as tackles tended to be lower than these days.
What a great post. You managed to keep going and overcome all those hurdles and didn't throw in the towel altogether! Very well done.