Had to keep motivating 12 yo who hated running with others in case they were judging her and struggled mentally with the time and distance but we did it!!!! And sprinted over the finishing line to cheers!!!!! It was tough as quite sandy in places but a lot of fun
OMG we only went and did our first park run to... - Couch to 5K
OMG we only went and did our first park run today!!!

Oh wow, brill! Good for you! I’m hoping to do one with my daughter later in the year!
You must bask in your glory all day! 🏅🎉🏃♀️🏃♂️😀🏆👍🏻
Nice one. 👍

Well done! Excellent job.
Omg amazing 👍

Wow! Fantastic time. Well done to you both. 👍
Were you at Hogmoor ? It looks like it from the pink boxes. I was the tail walker. Very well done, its tough terrain with the loose sand. Maybe see you there again soon...
We were indeed at Hogmoor and struggled with the sand. Ran through the sand on the first lap and walked the sand on the 2nd lap. Very different terrain to where we normally run! We were the very red and sweaty mum and daughter with me desperately encouraging 12 yo to keep going for the last 2kms and her being v stroppy with me 😂😂. See you there another time!

Wow well done 👏🏼💥👍🏻 It’s my intention to do one soon...
Do it! Wasn’t at all intimidating once we settled into it. We did a 2 lap route and was so lovely how many people on their 2nd Laps high fived those of us completing our 1st laps as we crossed paths!! Such a nice atmosphere
Ha ! you were much too far in front of me to see any of that but do do a parkrun again. Congratulations.

Well done CKem! Sounds amazing! So sweet you were running it together too! ❤️
She’s struggling with self esteem and weight at the moment so we started it together - both as total non runners!

Congratulations!🎉 That’s amazing that you got to do it together. You both must be proud! The cheers must have been nice as well.