Phew that was a hot one. Endured the heat and the flies, oh the flies!! Felt pretty good today, all the tech worked ( used view ranger to track me today and it worked wonderfully ). Even tried for a tiny push faster near the end. Home, showered and feeling fab. Happy jogging everyone. Oh, and just treated myself to a new running outfit which hopefully will arrive in time for my next run, fingers crossed. X
W6R1 - Done: Phew that was a hot one. Endured... - Couch to 5K
W6R1 - Done

Well done, especially in this heat!
Thanks, I am quite lucky to be able to run through a delightful wood right next to my house, so I can stay in the shade but of course, thats were all the flies are!

Well done JoPo48 👍😎 have this to do next. Took advice and took a break before the completing the 20 mins one yesterday. Contemplating whether to do this one tonight when bit cooler. Hard to breathe and not catch flies when it’s this hot though
Rest police here. You need a clear day between runs...
Isn’t it almost a rest day from 6am yesterday morning to tonight 🤔. Sometimes bit of a challenge to fit in when I travel for work
Your muscles need the recovery time.
If you ran, say, 8am Monday and 8am Wednesday that is a 48 hour gap (less the time you ran the first run). You would be knocking something like a third of that off by running Tuesday evening instead.
I guess you could get away with it very sparingly but you will increase your risk of injury. It’s your call in the end.
Thanks, Flossyuk, Shouldn't you be on a rest day today? Meant to be cooler on Wed morning, thats my next day. Good on you though, we're getting there aren't we.
Defo on the right tracks and nice to have someone doing the same runs at the same time m. Helps keep the motivation going 👍😎
Yes, I like to know someone is doing the same, really helps. Let me know how your next one goes. ( Where do I find the emojis ? )
Congrats!! I try and do my runs at 5am so I avoid the heat.