So following my high after running for 20mins on Thursday, I wasn't able to go out this weekend and was surprised at how disappointed I felt...this running lark's a bit addictive! So after an early morning wake up call by not one but two cats demanding breakfast, I put the trainers on and set off - I think I may have still been on last week's high as I set off way too fast for the first run, got about halfway and struggled (oops!). As a result I actually found this one a bit tougher than I thought I would considering it's actually a step down from last week - think the lesson is to keep Snaily McSnailface in the forefront and just pace myself better. Overall, pleased to have progressed to w6 and I think I may have convinced a work colleague to sign up too
W6R1 done: So following my high after running... - Couch to 5K
W6R1 done

I love that you convinced someone to sign up! I've been spreading the word every chance I get too. I've become one of those annoying runners who can go on and on and on about how wonderful running is. It IS addictive Snaily McSnailface is the way to go right up to the end! And yes, progressing to week 6 is definitely something to be proud of.
Thanks Shivani05, I've got hubby onto the plan too but he's injured his achilles so has to lay low for a couple of weeks which is driving him nuts as he'd only just started. I feel like one of the weird cult recruitment people or tv informercials who keep going on about how good something is and that it really does work - but it really does! Roll on w6r2 on Wednesday

I think lots of us found that run harder than the 20 minute which mentally doesn't make sense!

Slow and steady...most definitely!!! Keep it like that and you will be fine...I am the original Grey Snail.. ( see my early posts ) it works!!

Snaily McSnailface :') Love it!!
Yep, week 6 is a weird one. Just snail plod through it, you'll be ok!

From one Snaily McSnalface to another; well done!! I've just got in from w6r2 on an absolute high, best run to date. So good luck, keep slow and steady and enjoy!