Just wondering if there are any other Type 1 Diabetics out there? How do you manage your insulin when running and what beneficial effects, relating to diabetes, have you experienced because of running.
Type 1 Diabetics: Just wondering if there are... - Couch to 5K
Type 1 Diabetics
I’m type 1 and ready to start wk7 . I find my blood sugars actually go up after a run !. I feel healthier though and starting to see nice changes to my posture and body shape. Do you find your readings going up after a run ?
Hey Forestgrump, I have experienced that but not often, I have put it down to being slightly under the weather or stored reserves being mobilised into the blood stream. Glucagon works slower than insulin so that would sort of fit with your blood sugars going up afterwards, maybe... I know its a bit of a guessing game sometimes! Is it possible that you are going low during your run and this is your bodies response?
In general I find that I have to inject less and I feel that I have a sort of honeymoon period that lasts for 12 hours after a run. Must admit though I am feeling stronger, trying to keep the BP down and insulin sensitivity up! And eating more healthily.
Managing this is like herding cats. I get one thing sorted and then something else goes off kilter .
I’m trying to keep my novorapid intake below 30 units a day which is fine during the day. At night after a run I have to take up to 10 units after my run 🤨. Last run I started of at 6.5 I hadn’t eaten since 1 pm and it was 6pm then. Did week 6 run 3 and came back and I was 12.8 !.
That is odd, its as if you don't have enough glucose in your blood stream and you are going low during the run, then your body is overcompensating. I would have a word with your GP and see if you can get to see one of the diabetic consultants. Having to inject up to 10 units of Novorapid after a run sounds mad and a little dangerous, I would be worried that I would have a massive hypo during the night...
I know but I don’t seem to. I used to have bad night hypos years ago so I started getting up in the middle of the night to test. I’ve been doing it so long now my body naturally wakes up at 3am and after dinner I’m back to normal and that seems to last till 10 the next morning 🤔. Saying that I did my 1st 28 min run tonight . Was 6.8 before and 9.7 after so not to bad.
Argh it drives me mental even after 40 years 🙄
Just did week 6 run 3 today and have hurt my achilles a little, I wonder if this has affected my blood sugars? I was high before I went out 13.3, when I returned I was 10.7, then it went down to 7, but by lunch time it was back up to 11.4. I am wondering if hurting yourself puts your blood sugars up?
It could do I guess. The body does tend to release sugar from the liver to fight infection so maybe the same is true for an injury 🤔. Was the 11.2 reading before you’d eaten any lunch ?.
Yes it was, it continued to go up after lunch to 12.5, so I have given myself another 3 units, which should bring it down.
What insulin are you using? I’m using novo rapid and I’d have to take 6 units to take me down to around 6/7 mark .
I also use novorapid, I find 1 unit reduces my blood sugars by approximately 3.
You must have better sensitivity than me. 3 for 3 for me. Good for you bud you must be better at this juggling act 😁. I’ve been super active since my New Years resolution of loosing 24lbs . Managed 17 so far but need to loose a bit more to get to a healthy BMI . Hopefully this low carb and high exercise lifestyle will increase insulin sensitivity . What’s your reasons for doing this?. Are you finding your control shifting as you progress ?.
Congratulations on sticking to the resolution, sounds like you are doing great. Reasons for doing this are that I am nearing 50, I am beginning to feel my age and I am not as able as I used to be, exercise definitely helps with the diabetes control and I want to stay alive as long as possible! I have been lucky with my genetics (apart from the diabetes), I have never really put on weight (noticing a change now though) and I have always been reasonably fit, however, I realise I am going to have to work at it a bit more now though. I have always enjoyed running and if I can keep my knees and achilles tendons working I have got half a chance