Hello everyone! I am Iris, a twenty-something exercise hater who has fought her way to w3r2. How does that work together? Well, I started running to spite one of my best friends.
About 2 months ago, one of my good friends lost a close family member and really struggled with the loss. As she was off work, she decided to go to the gym so she wouldnt go crazy at home. The sensible, emotionally mature side of me worshiped her for this act of taking charge of her own life. I was glad for her as it really seemed to make her happy.
However. And that was a ginormous however for the petulant child hiding inside of me: with her choice of joining those exercising, health conscious nut cases we would always make fun of, i was alone on my couch-shaped island of sarcastic, sweat-hating, cake-gobbling awesomeness. I felt genuinely betrayed and i hated myself for it because i knew i was wrong.
After an ordinary Sunday night of a fast food heavy weekend, i had a bit of a melt down. It felt like all around me, people were loosing weight and getting fit even though we all told eachother that we loved each other's looks the way they were. Had it all been a lie? Was the telly right after all when it showed me that praise for the thick girl is just put on and fake so we feel included in a world where healthy equals thin?
In the midst of all my confusion, i saw a TV add for couch to 5k. With an angry face, cried out eyes and my husband in tow, i decided that if all these great women i knew found some accomplishment in exercise, there must be something to it. Ever since, hubby and i run. Me to deal with obvious anger issues and he ... because he doesnt really have a choice 😁
Best of all, the app didnt ask me to give up cake, nor did it want me to like it and feel "refreshed" or "energised" afterwards. But it gave me a challenge to acomplish and to show myself that exercise was nothing to hate or fear and that having been laughed at as a girl will. Not. Stop. Me. From. Achieving.
So here I am; still not feeling a buzz after running, still not lost a single pound (i have since joined slimming world but no shift yet), but i am determined to not quit, not miss a run and to not use any of my well practised "no exercise today" excuses. And carefully, I am optimistic that it might be making a tiny difference. But I would never admit that. I hate excercise, after all. 🙈