So, it's been a while, quite a long while, with a lot of nasty life stuff getting in the way, the sad loss of three friends and family members and a five year fight to rectify Grenfell type cladding on our flat, but some pieces of joy too. Moving permanently to Italy, gaining two rescue greyhounds, and two grandchildren.
Some of you may remember me - JCR - now with 'again' addition to my username, training with Mr Smooth then. 2025 - it's 5 years later, much older, greyer but certainly none the wiser.
The ONLY New Year's Resolution ( made silently to myself on NYE) - Start running again when you feel the need, but if not by end of January, the 'running drawer/cupboard' has to be emptied.
January was rapidly running out ..., and then yesterday
Seeing Red Number 1 - spotting a pair of red trainers which used to give me joy - quietly insistent that staying in a wardrobe was not a good idea
Seeing Red Number 2 - looking at my awfully unfit bod on the scales and seeing a number I didn't want to see, red with embarrassment
Seeing Red Number 3 - realising Mr Smooth retired a long time ago, and that I hadn't known - further embarrassment
Three pieces of red fortune telling was enough to get me started on a warm blustery Tuesday. Get dressed in unfamiliar running gear, reboot the Spotify app and find to my delight the Retro Runners playlists are still there.
Choose Retro Runners - Razouski - my erstwhile running partner in crime - sorry Raz for disappearing from the ether.
Walking greyhounds means I'm not quite as unfit as last time, but I am five years older so probably am as unfit if not worse than five years ago.
The day was blustery, so was I! Warm up walk was down the Slope of Hope, towards Mill Lane. Run 1 into Lovers' Lane, hooking a right onto the Forbidden Field - the wind was so blustery I didn't hear Jo Whiley (Ms Smooth perhaps - certainly Ms Cool) telling me to start walking, so got slightly out of breath and synch. Then caught up with her correctly onto the Bendy Scary Road, which was quite scary because I have temporary deafness in one ear, so running when I couldn't hear so well was a challenge.
Oh now we have the worst bit running up the Slope of Hope for my final run on today's session - it's a 15% gradient at the bottom of the hill. After some judicious huffing and puffing I finally got onto the warm down walk.
Run 1 Week 1 done, red face matching the trainers, the running jacket and the leggings. I'm not so hot but running with Jo was cool.
Posting here, is to keep me on the level, fingers crossed that Run 2 fills me with anticipation and not dread.