I’m now 79 80 in August couch to 5 k would that be good idea or stupidity to start
starting at 79 : I’m now 79 80 in August couch... - Couch to 5K
starting at 79
Welcome back Bernied45 ! It’s not your first time-you know what the programme involves. Are you fit and well? Are you able to do a brisk walk for thirty minutes? Do you need to speak to any health professionals who might be looking after you in some way? Those are the sorts of questions I’d be asking myself before beginning.
Good luck with your fitness journey!
If you're up to doing a brisk walk of half an hour, you're probably fine starting Couch to 5K again. You sound like you have the motivation.
I'd suggest getting an MoT from your doctor first.
was diagnosed with copd 2 years ago legacy of smoking I guess ,stopped 30 years ago if now I get a cold goes straight to my chest so suffer a bit .
Hello again.... MissUnderstanding has given you some great advice... and if you answer all the questions she suggests you ask yourself... you will know the answer... I will only add, you are never too old for this, but make sure you are good to go
I am 75 in April !