Hi all so I'm on W6R2 nxt and feel great abwt it. Done my 20 minute run yesterday. Only someone I know has made me doubt whether my speed will be fast enough to achieve the 5k at the end of week 9. I run on my treadmill at home and it'
Speed to achieve 5k by end of weeK 9 - Couch to 5K
Speed to achieve 5k by end of weeK 9

It is in Km not mph......so at first I set it to 9k for the tuns but now I've slowed down to 6km setting as the distance is increasing.......What should I be running at plz anyone know. Any advice would be great thankyou in advance.
Hi Shazz. The title of this plan is slightly misleading...more accurately it’s ‘couch to running 30 minutes straight’. I wouldn’t worry at all about your pace right now. That will come naturally in your last couple of weeks. For now just concentrate on completing these runs injury free. Good luck!

Hi, C25k would be a lot more accurately named c-2- running/jogging for 30 minutes. Very few people actually manage 5k at the end of 9 weeks (less than 10%) and I definitely won't be doing that for my graduation run on Wednesday.
Just keep going at a pace that suits you
Hi Shazzaroo I have the same dilemma, I’m running on a treadmill and in my 25 min runs ( just finished week 7) I’m clearing about 2 miles. I can’t really increase my speed (6.5/hr) as don’t think I’d cope so am concentrating on building my stamina and then once I can run for the full 30 mins I plan to try and speed up to get past 5k (3.1 miles or so)
Be happy with your fitness/stamina, then increase the speed
What do you think?
Thankyou ever so much.....I will do. I shouldn't of let it get to me really as I'm so pleased with how far I have come so far. You plan sounds like a good one. Thankyou for your advice.

Thankyou I will do.....it just burst my bubble a bit after feeling so chuffed with my progress so far. Thankyou for your message.

I was running at about the same speed as you on the treadmill and by my Graduation run I could run just over 3km in 30 minutes. That was at the end of March. About a month later I managed 4km in 35mins and yesterday I ran my first 5km in about 42 minutes. I'm very slowly improving both speed and distance but I think its pretty unlikely that I will ever do 5km in under 30 minutes. I don't really mind about the speed because I like the long slow runs especially now I have ventured outside. Try not to fixate on the speed and just try to enjoy yourself!

The stated aim of the plan is to get you running for thirty minutes.........for some that will be 5k.........for about ninety percent of graduates it is a lesser distance at graduation.
It is all explained in the guide to the plan healthunlocked.com/couchto5...
To run 5k in thirty minutes you need to average 10kph .