So I missed yesterday’s scheduled Run 2 of Week 3 due to the mrs birthday and a busy day. So I’m doing it today but yet again struggling to find the motivation to get out of bed and go. I don’t know what it is, I actually enjoyed the first 2 weeks but it comes down to me always giving up when the going gets tough, looks like that’s kicking in 😩
Week 3 Run 2: So I missed yesterday’s scheduled... - Couch to 5K
Week 3 Run 2
If you’re not motivated it won’t work 😕
you have to be a self-starter. Like all things in life, to get the best out of it you have to put the effort in. There’s no short cut to improving your health and fitness
Perhaps a read of the various posts might help you
Keeping motivated is a problem for all of us at times. Missing a day because you had other priorities doesn't make you a bad person so don't beat yourself up unduly
Setting some short-term objectives might help focus you; at a really basic level just think of the runs one at a time. So you wake up and say to yourself "The only thing I need to do is my next run" - don't link it into a nine-week cycle if it makes it feel easier.
Someone wise once said that you need to do something at least 10 times for it to be a habit. You need to get into a "habit groove" that's all. It will take a few weeks. But you'll get there.
Lots of people on here will offer encouragement and support!!
Ive felt like that too in the past, when the going gets tough I get out of there, but not now. As Ophrah Winfrey said,
‘Nobody but you is responsible for you life. YOU are responsible for your life.’
If you’re not motivated no one else will be able to change that. Think about why you wanted to do this in the first place and reassess those reasons, hopefully that’ll be enough to re-motivate you. Good luck Matt hope you keep going.
Just get out and do either want to change for the better.. or you don't... You do . don't you..
Just pick up the shoes and go.... slow and steady...
My advice, for what it's worth would be to get your running gear on and just do the warm up walk. Promise yourself that you'll do that much.
If you feel like doing more, do it.
It may just be that the thought of a full session is overbearing. In which case, do it bitesize.
You may surprise yourself.