Newbie falling at first hurdle! : Hello everyone... - Couch to 5K

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Newbie falling at first hurdle!

20 Replies

Hello everyone I’m a very overweight cherry pie at 46 and 17 1/2 stone 😩 So it’s taken me so long to start but this Monday I did begin my new diet and my first run.. however I spent that day and the next two on ibuprofen with various muscle aches and pains. I expected a certain amount naturally but it’s my day for run two and my shins are painful coming down the stairs and my back is still painful.. I don’t know what to do as obviously don’t want to injure myself and unsure if I should just stop till I feel better again or do you walk/run through it? I’m feeling quite demoralised as I didn’t even complete that first one and although I started on a high I came home fairly dejected as I only did two of the minute runs and then had to walk the rest! 😣 I suppose I just don’t know how to proceed as it feels like the programme is already starting with me way behind.. its feels like I’m just too fat and unfit and I’ll never catch up 😞 but I am ready to change so don’t want to give up..

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20 Replies

Were you active before this week? If not you could maybe start with brisk walking for 30 minutes daily for 2 weeks before you start the running programme.

If you have a level of fitness already, then the advice must be to slow right down to a pace where you can keep going for the time allotted. Have you read the guide to the programme? Sounds like your body is complaining a bit at the unexpected movement, it will catch up over time.

Good luck :)

in reply to

Thanks a lot Helen.. well like the app says I am the archetypal potato and as my job is sitting all day I get little exercise.. maybe I average around 3-4000 steps and maybe I would do a family amble once a month 🙈 I probably didn’t read the guide 😳 didn’t realise there was a guide?! Just downloaded the app and off I went! I was enjoying the brisk walking part.. and actually I ended up doing that for 15 minutes to start with instead of five as I had accidentally paused it so that probably didn’t help! Maybe as I hurt even a slow walk would be better than nothing..

in reply to

The guide is under the FAQs and well worth a read. I would suggest you try the run again - but really, REALLY slowly this time. I bet you went out too fast!

If it's still too much, maybe walk for 30 minutes every day (quick enough to be slightly out of breath- so that you heart is working) for the next 14 days and then try the programme. There is a walking community on this site too

Good luck

Dannoodles profile image
Dannoodles in reply to

good on you for doing the brisk walking for 15mins👍🏻my jogging pace is not much quicker than a brisk walk. maybe you should do week one as a walk so in the running sections of 1minute just increase your walking pace a little. you could repeat week1 as many times as you need to till you feel comfy trying a run. don’t give up you will get there 🤗

in reply to Dannoodles

Thankyou.. I think that’s a good plan.. 👍🏼

Sjcollins21 profile image

Don’t give up just try walking for a couple of weeks keep going that’s the main thing get outside and enjoy it good luck

in reply to Sjcollins21

Thankyou.. it’s kind of you to reply.. it really helps. I don’t want to give up that’s true.. but am feeling a bit of a failure and the pain is concerning me I think.. Hopefully just muscular. I guess I can either wrap myself in clingfilm and eat a mars bar or just get back out there!

Jell6 profile image

I'm sure I read somewhere that you should not take anti inflammatories as they have a negative impact on the tear / repair process.

Perhaps one of the mentors can advise.

You have made a start, the nine weeks is a guide. Maybe let your pains settle then repeat run 1 really slowly.

The first week is terrible for many of us.

Don't give up, we're all here to support you 🤗

in reply to Jell6

Thanks a lot Jell.. interesting about ibuprofen and also good to know I’m not alone in finding week one hard.. I think I underestimated how unfit I was and there’s a gap between my expectation and achievement.. 😞 but the support is certainly helpful and much appreciated. Thankyou

oldwheezer69 profile image

Hi Cherrypiepie, I am 48, and was 16 stone 3 weeks ago, asthmatic and very unfit with a sedentary office job! I bought myself a Fitbit to increase my walking and spent 3 weeks increasing from 2000 steps a day to 10,000 (bought myself a second hand treadmill off eBay to help - £58!) then started C25K last Sunday. In the last 3.5 weeks I have lost half a stone and feel better already! I won't lie, the week 1 runs have been hard but I've taken them really slowly and am going to do another week of them before going on to week 2. Keep us posted... We're all rooting for you! :-)

in reply to oldwheezer69

This is so kind and really helpful.. thankyounfor sharing your journey.. good to know it’s not impossible! It feels like it today.. but that is inspiring..

Clovers profile image

I am only on week 2 so don’t have any insightful advice for you, except to say, i’m rooting for you!!

in reply to Clovers

That’s really kind and helps a lot Thankyou.. I didn’t expect so many kind replies that’s really lovely of you to bother thanks. 💕 Wish you success too!

misswobble profile image

Never quit! Just keep plugging away is how you turn things round. Just a bit at a time

Walking is the easiest way to start. Walking is great exercise! Aim to do more! Walk to places instead of the using car or public transport. Never be sedentary when you can be moving. Once you’re up and mobile you begin to feel more awake and alert, and you’ll want to do more of it

You’re worth the effort! 🙂💪👍

in reply to misswobble

I felt ready misswobble but I think the perceived failure was hard and demoralising.. it’s silly really as of course I can just walk but I guess I wanted to do the programme and stick to it so I could see progression and I think maybe I just have to start a bit slower.. Thankyou for taking time to respond.

misswobble profile image
misswobbleGraduate in reply to

Slow is just fine. Gets the job done and that’s all that’s needed 👍

HappyDayz96 profile image

I did the first run on Tuesday. When I say run..... I managed most of them but the last couple I power walked. I felt like my muscles had really worked. I woke up Wednesday morning with the most painful thighs! I ride dressage horses for my job and never thought it would be my legs that felt it! I was surprised how unfit I was given that I am active between 7am and 6pm 6 days a week! Thought about running again today but thighs are still tender, will wait until tomorrow and do wk1r2. Keep going! :)

in reply to HappyDayz96

Thankyou.. I’ve decided I’m going to do at least something.. but.. my shins really hurt still so I wonder if I’ve injured myself and want to be careful. Being new to it it’s hard to know the difference between muscle pain and injury.. weirdly my thighs are fine! I think it’s back/shoulders from the arm movements I’m not used to and my legs and feet are just going WTF!

Thankyou for your kind response

JuJogger profile image
JuJoggerGraduate in reply to

Shins might be your running shoes. Or try googling shin splints.

in reply to JuJogger

Will look that up Thankyou

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