so I've been plodding/jogging on my own since Nov 2017, having completed the c25k on a treadmill at home a month ago, running 30 mins and then the last 4 weeks venturing outside. outdoors i can run a steady 20-30 mins, 3km, which I am trying to increase.
I decided to go to a beginners running group tonight thinking this would be a good place to increase my speed but even doing the walk 1.30 mins, run 1.30 mins x 7 times, I struggled to keep up and ended up last! 🤔
don't get me wrong, they were a fab group of women but even at beginners level, they were good and most seemed more advanced. if i didn't have the level of fitness i currently do, I wouldn't have kept up at all at any point!! My ? is, does anyone prefer running on their own? I felt the pressure tonight and perhaps the stop/start didn't help me 😐 I've signed up to the 26.2 miles through may for the BHF so thinking I should us this as a basis to increase my speed 🤔🤔 and do it alone? x