Hi everyone *waves*
I've been doing Cto5K for a couple of months, and will do run 1 of week 7 today. I've not always been able to keep to 3 runs a week - I had flu in week 3 and that knocked me back for 10 days or so, so week 3 lasted about 3 weeks and 5 runs in the end! But apart from that, I'm pretty amazed that I've got this far. I've always hated sport, I like walking (especially up mountains) but I certainly don't consider myself fit and know I need to be fitter. Every week has been a challenge and I'm so proud of myself with every run I complete.
So now I'm up to 25 minutes, and I've certainly reached that point that I read about where it becomes more of a mental challenge than a physical one. My problem is definitely the voice in my head that says "ohh, I'm tired, my feet hurt ,what was that twinge, I'm too hot, I'm too cold, I'm thirsty..." etc rather than actually physically struggling! So how do I battle through that?