Well hello my fellow intrepid runners!
Firstly, let me apologise for not replying to all the comments on my last post. Work has been manic this last week or so and I simply haven't got to it. I couldn't run Wednesday (day off), as the rain was unrelenting. And this is proper northern rain, not your half-baked southern rain
This weekend has also been a bit of a nightmare as I've had my 2 girls staying with me, which is lovely, but if it's a choice between them and running, as I only see them every couple of weeks now, they have to come first. Both of them have threatened to come with me, but never actually have lol
Anyway, I had a very small window this morning, the weather was good, so off I went. Now, I totally get that I probably should be doing 30 minutes 3 times a week. I do. And as soon as the evenings are light enough to run, I certainly will be. For now, I figure that a couple of times a week is better than no times a week.
Today's run actually felt really good. Spurred on by the good talking to I gave myself a few days back, I paced myself much better, and even though this was my winter route which is uphill on the way and downhill on the way back (duh!) I was fine. If I felt out of breath, I just slowed down, which meant the hilly stage was done without issue. Looking back at my stats, I even managed a sub 6 minute km on the downhill section, which I was very pleased with. Totally unintentional, but it felt fine.
So I've not given up yet, nor am I giving up any time soon. To anyone who is doubting whether running is good for you, since taking up running at the grand old age of 42, I've felt so much better physically, got less tired, and the effect on my mental health has been massive. I am on antidepressants, but the dose hasn't changed during or since C25K, and I'm so much happier and mentally stable. That may be down to other factors as well, but I just know the running has been a significant part of that, plus the encouragement from all you lovely folk.
Oh finally, one of the messages I failed to reply to was from the lovely Sadie-runs of course. Sadie - congratulations on your sub-30 minute 5K! Proud of you