Just back of hols so was trying to get motivated to go out for a run before rain came! Running gear on😊Aldis best😀phone , headphones of I go....🏃🏃 decided not to have to much expectations after my last run last Sunday of 5k as that was a miracle!! Had done loads of walking but nothing since Thursday so today was the day!!! Started of ok trying out c25k+ just started 2mins into the run & all went quiet!!!!! No music no Laura ... I was lost... Pushed all the buttons on my phone close to throwing it away!!!! It is due an upgrade!! (Guess where I'm going this afternoon.. ) & as it was windy & not quite as enthused about running as I was I thought och il just go home!!! Pests gremlins back😖😖 but .. I carried on but only for a very hard slow run for 20 mins which I thought was better than giving up!! Trust me it was a thought!! missed my music & not feeling as motivated as usual hope my running bug comes back & enthusiasm .. Just goes to show you every run different & I just have to pick myself up & put this down to a practise run😥😥 x. Off to get phone sorted out!!!!!
No Laura.. No music..no runkeeper.. Disaster!! - Couch to 5K
No Laura.. No music..no runkeeper.. Disaster!!

I'd say that was a good 20 minute run, despite everything you still did it. Well done Runner, you put those gremlins firmly in their box. Remember it's all about getting out there, you don't have to run 5k every time, enjoy 😃🏃🏼♀️😃

Well done for getting back out there before the rain AND for the twenty minutes with no audio back up!!! I have no doubt your enthusiasm and running bug will be back and I'm sure a shiny new phone will hep!!! Keep at it!!! The not so good days are what make our great days so great!!!
Well done for getting out there. As you say put it down to practice runs. It's all good just remember when starting couldn't run for a bus now look at you !
I sometimes think to myself . I bet I sound too smug telling everyone how great I'm doing . But then I think it's worthwhile because by and large we are all pretty much the same unless we have serious health issues What inspires me are the one's who have had and do have more serious health issues and relate their determination and will to go on. It puts me to shame.
I think anyone going out in the winter and courage to get out the door for any length of time deserves a gong ! I say I've had successful runs but the cold weather is a bit of a challenge and admit although my run was on a par with previous I was more relieved to finish than elated. But when I got home I got my smug cheesy grin back and thought to myself "Despite the cold and everything I did it . My aim on this journey was to run 30 minutes I'm doing 40 minutes" So both of us shouldn't be too hard on ourselves.
Then I celebrated with a well earned mince pie !! Looking forward to my challenge tomorrow

Great post & thanks it is good to be reminded where we started as i had never run!! You are right we should feel good about ourselves its not being smug we just don't praise ourselves enough i love this forum it keeps a lone 🏃🏃going & motivated THANKS😊X
I'd be lost without something in my ear music or Laura , I know there's times we'd happily strangle her and others we would embrace her!!!
Well done for keeping going

Sorry to hear of the technical issues you encountered today Phyllis. But you did complete 20 minutes which should be more than enough I think to give your body a bit of a work out, so don't be too hard on yourself. As others have said, remember where you were not that ago!? Another plus point is that you'll soon be getting a nice shiny new mobile phone by the sounds of it?
Another thing you could do I guess is to purchase a very cheap little MP3 player (for a few quid), stick some of your favourite tunes on it and keep it tucked in your running pouch/belt as an emergency back up should your phone ever fail again!
Keep on running! x

It must have been somewhat upsetting to lose Laura after only two minutes! Big congratulations on keeping running for 20 minutes without her or music though! Hope you can sort out your phone so you can be back on track soon!