I have been really enjoying this running lark and nothing was going to stop me running and finishing off my week 5 Run 3. I run at the Memorial Prk in Coventry and the parkrun today was cancelled due to the weather. But I knew better, I went down there and started my run, walking first and I saw a couple of runners so thought oh it can be that bad. However when I started the run it was slightly slippy underfoot so i decided to run on the untrodden snow which was awkward. I ran for 10 minutes and then decided I had to call it a day. I felt really frustrated that I couldnt just knuckle down and get it done, The wife said I was stupid to even try running but I didnt want to have an excuse but now I am annoyed that i let the excuse win Grrrrrrrr. I do hopoe the weather picks up soon, i dont want to loose too much time not running
Should I be disappointed with myself - Couch to 5K
Should I be disappointed with myself

Hi bertiesugar...no definately not!
You had a 10 minute run today, in nasty conditions.
Week5 R3 is a great run, and one to be done without the added distractions of losing your footing or twisting an ankle..
After the snow has gone and you've had you rest day you will nail it and be glad you waited....😊x
Thanks for that but its hard to not feel disppointed when you see people posting about there runs. I enjoy posting about every run I complete and today I feel like a fraud. Why couldnt I just have kept going. Grrrrr

You can’t win em all! You did your best in the circs, and managed to get some exercise done, which is fine. It will still be there when the snow thaws. We can do other exercise to keep our bods ticking over 🙂

I dunno how people run cross country on all that uneven/unstable surface let alone anyone who does snow or soft sand.
On the other hand, a guy in my area who runs Marathons every week or so in the "Running Season" here thinks it's "astonishing" that I was running my 5ks plus in the high heat of Summer last year. He said he couldn't do it.
Different bodies, different mentalities, different enjoyment perceptions.
Keep it loose and easy and fun on SOME level - imho, that's a huge part of establishing the "habit" of going out the door, the hardest part of any run sometimes
Once out the door - the run will be what it will be...and a run is a run is a run
You are doing just fine Bertie, you have the heart of a Runner, just take it slow and steady, don't risk the IC and soon you will have that Graduate badge without a doubt ☺
Wishing you many happy miles in your future ☺
No you shouldn’t be disappointed, we are all built differently and our bods react differently to our environment. If it was slightly slippy you could all too easily have slipped and ended up on the IC , now that would have been a nightmare.
You did 10 minutes, no run is a wasted run, this has gone into your running bank for both the distance and stamina and that will hold you in good stead for future running.
Hi Bertie. I grew up in Coventry and will be back visiting friends in two weeks. I remember Memorial Park. It would be great to do the Park Run there. How is the course? I’m still under 5k at 30 mins so wouldn’t want too many hills!
Hi Aine
I have done all my runs at the memorial park, The Park Run is not hilly at all, some little inclines but to be honest should be ok. I struggle a little on the inclines but once you get your breath and breathing back its fine. I cant wait to graduate then do Park Runs

Errr no! The snow we've had is just horrible and it isn't worth pushing through to try and then hurting yourself. I *really* want to be out there today but it's just not possible. But, running is going to be a long term thing for me so a few days now is nothing in the grand scheme of things. That's what I keep tellingmyself anyway....
The fact that you went, and ran for 10 minutes - give yourself a pat on the back. I managed to get outside for wk 6 run1 today after a few days of snow, didn't try before as I didn't want to risk slipping and hurting myself.

Hell no ! You should not be disappointed with yourself - you got out there and gave it a good go !
Well done x

No way. You tried but it just wasn't to be. Wait for a better day and then you'll smash it!
Oh and wifey is wrong, you'd have felt like you were letting yourself down if you hadn't tried. 👍

Well at least I got some exercise in today. As I was disappointed not to run I ndecided to walk into town today instead of the car. Its not far and just looked at the distnce I have covered today including my run/walk and it is 9.85 miles. Now that I am happy with

I absolutely love running in snow.
But no, you absolutely should not feel disappointed with yourself. You got out there, you started your run, and you made a judgment because in practice it was slippy and it didn't feel 'right'. That was just sensible.
I have trail running shoes rather than road shoes and that really makes a difference.
Do give my love to Memorial Park next time you go. Going to be blossom time soon and my heart aches with missing it. (And that painting in my profile pic? That's the view I have right now lying in bed)