As a baby boomer born in 1946, I finished Couch to 5k in September/October, without too many problems, and then nearly out of the blue I was struck down with Sepsis and spent Christmas in Hospital. A very unpleasant experience and lucky to get through it. The after effects are very draining. But - I am going to get back to fitness - started with a mile walk in 13 minutes yesterday - and if all goes well will be starting at the very beginning again of Couch to 5k. Like for many others, this site will be the inspiration to keep going, so forgive me if I bore you with my progress in the next few weeks.....
Starting Again.....: As a baby boomer born in... - Couch to 5K
Starting Again.....

Glad you made it back and looking forward to your progress reports
Not boring at all, not least because youre even older than me (January 1947).
Really sorry to hear about the sepsis. That’s serious stuff. Thank goodness you came through it. And good for you for beginning c25k again. I for one shall be cheering you on, so please post your progress.
I have never really been ill before, and always felt unstoppable. It came as a shock to the system, and one of the after effects can apparently be a form of depression - which I am determined to avoid, so I thought using the support of this group would be a good antidote to hitting a slough of despond....
Well, we’re all here for you. I would think running would be a good antidote to the depression, with the endorphins involved. I never get depressed and have a naturally high level if seratonin, so runner’s high sends me into overdrive. In fact if you feel low at any point, I will donate some to you 😊
I have been racewalking for years, and doing a bit of running so know how good it can make you feel and I like to think that being fairly fit for my age is what pulled me through - that and the excellent Manx National Health Service.....
I know what you mean. So many of my friends are semi disabled now, or have hip or knee replacements or other major health problems. There is no doubt that being active keeps you healthy. Am looking forward to your progress reports.
This all sounds very familiar to a relative youngster (August 47). My OH, who is also on c25k beats me at February 45 and I'm sure it's keeping going that keeps us going. We know we're lucky, most of the couples we know can't join us for a decent walk because something affects one or the other - or both. Still some way to go on c25k for both of us, but we're lucky to be moving, however slowly!

Glad you’re still with us! Trust me we won’t get bored. Good luck, and remember to take it slow and steady when you do start again.

Wow! How terrible that must have been but glad you are on the mend and here to share your story and progress with us. Sounds like you are doing well already, that's a good pace for a walk! Keep us in the loop, we will be running with you now!

Take it nice and steady with your recovery, it sounds like your body has had a right old battering. Look after yourself. Rfc x.

I love a comeback! Keep on posting

You poor thing, that sounds horrible! So glad you recovered OK. Best of luck with your return to running. Where is the IOM are you? My uncle used to have a house in Ramsey.

Nothing boring about your post, Duddles, it's blooming fantastic! You're an inspiration. Good luck for the next stage. We look forward to hearing how you're getting on.

Dear Duddles, feel free to "bore" to your heart's content. I look forward to following your progress. Well done.

We're all here to support each other on this amazing journey. Post to your heart's content. You are more of an inspiration than a bore!!

OMG 😱 that sounds horrendous!
Welcome to C25k
Have fun 😃👍
We were only talking about the Slough of Despond the other day.

Wow .... we think now we can do 5k there is no stopping us ..., take it slowly you’ll get back to if

Sepsis? Good gravy! I am happy to hear that you're picking yourself up from that and starting anew. Good luck!
Oh well done. 💜. So sorry to hear how poorly you have been though.
I am going to start the programme again too. A sprained ankle has prevented me from running after almost completing the programme and joining a local running club. I loved it. Hoping to finally get back to it next week.
Look forward to hearing about your progress. Best wishes , Mel

Thanks for your comments and support everyone. There of lots of us who go through injury and illness, and perhaps running helps us get through those setbacks better.
Anyway, the first of Baby Steps after Sepsis - today - a 1 Mile Walk in 12.08. That brought me my first non-feverish sweat for over a month.....

Best wishes to you. Looking forward to your reports.

Ooooh. Wishing you well and hope you’re soon back to full fitness.