Hi, a newbie at running. Next run should be W3R1. Just the thought of 3 min run in one go makes me feel I won't be able to do it. Am I better trying it and walk some of the 3 min if I need repeating the run until I can do it or stay in week 2 until my mind tells me I can do it?
Next run: Hi, a newbie at running. Next run... - Couch to 5K
Next run

Go for it! Laura will talk you through and you might just surprise yourself!! I struggled with 90 seconds to start with but followed the program and constantly amazed myself and what I could achieve each week. Don’t let yourself talk yourself out of trying!

My advice would be to just give it a go. Start off really slow, and slow down even more if you need to! The program really does work, but I would never have got through it if I was waiting until my mind said I could. My mantra was that if Laura thought I could do it, then she was probably right (and in my experience, she was!)

Firstly, your mind is you! So you need to start off by telling yourself that you can and will do this run. Please don’t be telling yourself you cannot do this before you have even tried! Look, I have had a good talk with your mind, and it went like this:
“C25K builds you up gradually so that you can manage each small increase to the length of run. It is a cleverly thought out programme. I could barely catch my breath after the runs in week 1, now I can run 30 mins! How did that happen, I hear you ask? By doing each run in C25K, slowly. And telling myself constantly I could do it. The power of positive thinking really helps with running.”
Your mind said: “Okay, that sounds good, I reckon I can do this and am going to dwell on it no longer. I am just going to do it and I will feel bloomin’ chuffed with myself when I have done it.”
See. Sorted. 😀
I completed C25K by deciding to never engage in debate with myself about whether I could manage a run. Refuse to have that discussion. And run super slowly.
You will be fine.
Sadie-runs x

You aren't going to progress unless you push yourself beyond your comfort zone. How would you mind know if you can do it - you haven't even tried yet.
If you complete a run, move on to the next one. If you try W3R1 today and don't manage it, then repeat.
However, if you struggle during the run, slow down. Also, try not to focus on the time; let your mind wander, and I'm willing to bet that you will complete the run.
We all felt like that about various runs at one time or another. In my experience you aren't ready when you've just completed the previous run, but by the time you get to the next run your body is primed to go.
I’m at the same point as you! I just did w3 run 1 yesterday. What I did was I changed my route so I was thinking more about that than the running !
You can do it. The program works. At the end you will be running for 30 minutes non stop. Trust a Loris who knows.

Thanks everyone for all your advise, I'll put it in practice tomorrow before my W3R1 which I will complete!!

I did it!! Covered less distance than on previous runs and struggledo the first 90 seconds but I completed W3R1!! Thanks!!