First run of 2015 today. I haven't run since christmas Eve as I have been laid low by a stomach bug, a walk to the paper shop left me feeling all wobbly. I was reading the other day on the forum about the 2 min run: 1 min walk so I thought i would try it for my first run post bug. it was great, I ran for 25 mins in total and actually improved my pace from over 8 min per k to 7:45 per k so I am well pleased! Will definitely continue with it as part of my preparation for my Race for Life. I actually signed up for my local one in Carlisle which is not until July, so plenty of time to prepare.
Run walk run: First run of 2015 today. I haven... - Couch to 5K
Run walk run
well done jogging i have used the 2:1 a couple of times , think the longest was about 7k in total , you can play around with the timings to suit
60:30 90:45 etc
What is this 2:1 of which you speak Rob? Is there a podcast/app for it or do I have to rely on me keeping count?
It is called the Galloway system and was mentioned, by Rob I think last week. The chap is called Jeff Galloway, you can google him. Basically instead of running nonstop you run 2mins, walk 1 min or other combinations. I set my garmin to interval run although I was a bit haphazard. It certainly felt good after not running for a while due to the bug and I improved my pace.
it is 2 mins running , i do that at a fast pace, then 1 min walking or if you want a slow jog to recover and so on, i set up a one off work out on RunKeeper , you can set it to as many repittions as you want or until you stop it I think it is based on the Jeff Galloway principle of walk/run
Ok, I'm having a thickie moment here (despite having a degree in IT, lol!). Where do I set up a one off workout on Runkeeper? I have various running apps and can't see how to do it on any of them. I'll get me coat and leave now...!
I am no expert either lol I askef the question on here so there should be a thread. Andy_D supplied the answer
Found it! Still can't work out how to set it up on Map My Walk but got it set for Runkeeper. Just have to get good at maths now so I can work out how many reps I'd need to do! (Kidding, lol!!!)
lol phew had me going there
Thanks Rob I might do that, it was probably a rough 2:1 that I did but was surprised I actually ran faster overall.
i found that when i 1st did it ,my actual pace appeared quicker even with a walk ?? strange thing but good

This is a great way to get back into it after a break as well. Well done for getting back out there.
Thanks use it, was quite nervous but the run/walk/run felt very comfortable.

I can also vouch for the benefits of walk/run... actually improved my last 5k time and 1/3 of it was walking... go figure that
You can set it up in Runkeeper on the main "Go Running" screen by clicking on "Workout" and then you can "Create New Workout" ... then just "Add Intervals" as required. You can have warm up or cool downs if required, but I didn't bother with these. I used the Slow Interval for walking and Steady for running. When you enter the time enter Mins and then Secs in the boxes. I set the repetitions to "Unit I Stop My Activity" then it just keeps prompting you via voice alerts until you stop. I set the running one first and then the walking one otherwise your first interval will be walk.
Thanks Andy, I will give that a try

That's a nice boost after being poorly! Glad you're feeling better
It was great to get back out there, a lovely crisp day for it too

Good stuff Jogging ! Glad you managed to get out and you feel loads better for it . Lovely day here today too, after all the ice had melted.
You will have a fab day when you do the Race For Life. I did it last year and really enjoyed it !
Glad to hear youre on the mend
Take care xxx
Thanks Poppy, definitely feel a lot better now. Looking forward to the R for L.