It's a beautiful morning, so off I went to tackle week 9. Sadly, it wasn't to be. After about 7 minutes, my mind took over and assured me I couldn't do it, I was too tired and achy and whereas the angel on my shoulder wins the battle, today the devil got the better of me.
I think mental attitude is a huge part of this running business, and truthfully I don't always have the stamina to fight off the negative vibes. Anyway, I resolved to briskly walk 5k instead, and did little 30 second sprints here and there just to try and make myself feel better.
My last run was on Friday and was a roaring success, yet it was after a day at work. Today, my little boy is at in laws and I'm m off work, usually my morning runs are very doable. I can only put this down to a poor night's sleep, a slight headache and achy limbs from a Zumba session on Sunday... Oh, and manically marching up and down the living room last night to reach my 10000 steps.
As always, onwards and upwards. I'll wait until the weekend now until I face this challenge again, and I'll be ready for it!