R2 Wk4 fail 😥. Could not do it this morning. Got half way through, even having to walk last bit of runs. I could cry I feel such a failure. Had zero energy this morning. I’m on 3rd lot of antibiotics for wisdom tooth infection - could that be the reason? I really don’t know ☹️
Feeling fed up: R2 Wk4 fail 😥. Could not do it... - Couch to 5K
Feeling fed up

Sounds like the infection is causing you a lot of misery. Take a day or two rest, regroup and come back when you feel stronger. Don't think of it as a failure, it was just not happening today.

Hey, well done for coming this far, I think you need to sort out the infection, it's definitely the reason you struggled today, it's not a fail, it's a practice run, you can do this. 😊
Hoping to have the tooth out soon, but felt terrible with this infection , although felt well enough and motivated to go this morning. Every inch of me was yelling No! And despite my brain yelling yes! Body won. Why does this running malarkey get to you so much!!?

DBlou ....no such thing as fail...wash your mouth out with soap & water!!! Lol...read my post on F.A.I.L from a few weeks back, that might make you feel a bit better....good on you for voicing your misery this morning..virtual hug coming your way...& if it helps, I’ve had a crap run this morning too so we all have them...chin up, shoulders back...bag the Kms & stamina from this morning & next time you will nail it 😉
Thanks Mummycav needed that hug! I won’t give up! Just have to put this one in the ‘oh sh** bin’ and move on! I know I can voice my misery on here and get a kick up the rear accompanied by virtual hugs too !
There’s the f*** it bucket too!!!
Some days are just harder than others! Forget it and do the run again- and smash it!!xx