Head cold gone but have had a bad chest for nearly 4 weeks now. Absolutely sick of it because I haven't been able to run til yesterday. And what a disappointment that was. Could only run for 3 mins before coughing and totally breathless. Thinking I might have to do podcast again when I get rid of this thing. Fed up.
So fed up.: Head cold gone but have had a bad... - Couch to 5K
So fed up.

I have complete sympathy as I am clearly suffering from the same thing, into its fourth week now and lingering. I've been laid up most of that time and feel weak as a kitten. I am fully reconciled to having to build up again with walk run. I think you just have to listen to your body and take things gently.
Just have to regard it as a blip and treat it like any other injury.
We'll soon be out there again and at least spring is on its way. Take care of yourself!
Thank you for the lovely reply. Hope you're better soon.

Do you have any medication for this? Has the doc said not to run? If you have a bad chest for four weeks it could be time to either go to the doctor, or return and get it sorted out
The quicker you get it sorted out then the sooner you'll be back out there in your running shoes. Chin up!
I'm a typical bloke. Not been to Docs. Kept thinking it would be alright tomorrow. But it's dragging on. Perhaps I should go. Thank you for the reply.
I saw the doc on Monday who agreed I had a temperature, reduced lung function and respiratory infection - but no treatment as it is a virus! If your's has been affecting your chest, you may just want a check up - but don't expect much other than sympathy!
I'll give the doc a ring and see what he says. Probably just need to sit it out.

At least you'll know though. I hope you can head back out soon
Thank you Misswobble.

These horrible colds just keep hanging around, I've never known anything like it before this year. Mine lasted about 2 weeks, then came back again...do see the doc Coope, too much coughing is not good. xx
Didn't go to the docs. I feel it's on its way out, At Last!!!!!!. Hoping it doesn't come back Curly. Can't wait to get out there again. Thank you for replying.

Aw Coops, I hope you are on the mend now xxx
If your chest feels a bit dicky , please go to the docs. You might have a chest infection and you don't want that spreading to your lungs , no way Jose
Take care , nice and gently does it xxx
Think it's on the way out now. Can't wait to get out and hit the pavements. Thank you for the lovely reply poppy pug.