I have completed week 5 run 2 today and am really worried about run 3!! Im almost certain i wont be able to run for 20 mins straight lol and was just wondering how anyone else found it!! Thanks in advance!! Xx
Week 5 run 3: I have completed week 5 run... - Couch to 5K
Week 5 run 3

Well done! Try not to worry and overthink it, relax! c25k is building you up to be able to handle it, take it slow n steady you'll be fine, onwards and upwards!😊
Aww thank you!! To be honest I didnt think I would complete run 1 or 2 either so yeah you are probably right!! 😊
If you think you can't do a thing then you are almost certainly right. Siilarly if you think you can do a thing you are also almost certainly right.
Do you think you can't do R3 because the programme is wrong ( approx 2/3 of people who post about this) or that you are in some way not up to the programme despite having managed it thus far ( the other 1/3)
My advice would be stop worrying about it, treat it like any other run. Go out there and smash it and then come back and tell us how elated you are (approx everyone who ever does this)

Bet you can!
You can and will it also panicked me and felt I couldn't/wouldn't do it but I did. Slow pace but ran all the way. I now know mind over matter. Don't worry as I'm now worrying about week 6 run 3!!!
You go girl

It'll be OK. Promise.
Go take a look at the W 5 R 3 posts, see how many are nervous and then do yourself a big favour and read how many afterwards are screaming happiness from the rooftops.
That will be you....
Aww thank you everyone!!! Feel better already!! 😃
yes you will do it for sure. It is a mental challenge, not so much a physical one.
Completed mine today and never thought I could do it. Take it nice and easy and just put one foot in front of the other. I had a little tear of pride when I did it x

So you just ran and walked for 21 minutes between warm up and cool down...............so what's the problem with twenty minutes?
Believe in yourself and the programme.
Stop thinking negatively. You can do it.
My post was almost identical to you 🙈 then I run the 20 min !!! You can do it just relax and plod on like I did 👍

I will be up front & honest & tell you that W5R3 was THE most difficult for me, I think I had 2 practice runs before I did it, it's a toughy but it's mostly mentally tough because we look and think '20 minutes? Are you kidding???? I can't do it....I really can't do it!!!!'...but you know what? You can!!!!! If you've completed every run so far then there's no reason you can't complete it.....have more faith in yourself, don't set off too fast, start slowly & find a pace that you can maintain & you will nail it...YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!

Yes you will be able to run for 20 minutes . I felt the same way but then remembered that it is usually the first 5 minutes of any run that are the worst. After that, as long as you don't try to go too fast, you should be fine and you will feel really proud of yourself when you have done it. Good luck and let us know how you get on.

(Mrs Doyle's voice - from Father Ted) You can, You can, You can

We all felt the same prior to this one, but when you have done it you will realise exactly what the previous runs have been building you up to!
You can now run for 5 minutes (several times with a walk in between). So now you run for 5 minutes & then another 5 minutes ..... Then - ring the bell that's half way!!! Turn around & come back for 5 minutes... Then Hey you've only got 5 minutes! Next thing you know you're done - all at a slow, steady, manageable pace broken up into bite sized pieces!
And then you get the happy glow! BLISS!☺️

I was so worried about this run but the buzz of completing it was worth all the worrying! Try to relax, give yourself a good pep talk beforehand and imagine completing the run - before I started I imagined being able to tell everyone I'd just run for 20 minutes. Take it slow and steady and get ready to be grinning for hours afterwards! xx