I've been a lurker on here since week 1. I have replied to a few people and liked comments but thought I would never get to week 5 run 3 so didn't want to post. Well I only went and bloomin did it.
It was all planned for Sunday. The weather looked fine, I had a new play list to motivate me, and I even offered to be the designated driver at the local music festival so I would be fresh. It was not to be as an hour or so dancing in wellies in the mud had done for my knees and back so I had another rest day and listened to my body. I knew I was bad because I couldn't bend down to do my shoes laces. I was strangely disappointed. Me who tried every trick in the book to skive out of games at school.
I am so unfit I can't run a bath without being out of breath. I have had Atrial Fibrillation and tachycardia for 6 years and am on beta blockers which make you tired. I have used this as the reason I am unfit. The crunch came this summer when I got down on the floor to pick something up and pretty much beached myself. It's no fun at 57 having to be helped up. That plus a fall in the bath made me think about where I wanted to be. I retired early (from lecturing) and I could go one of two ways: to becoming an overweight out of breath person with an excuse for sitting in at my computer all day (I'm a writer) or someone with a good chance of living a full and active life. Couch to 5k came into my FB feed somehow and I decided to do it. Every week I surprised myself, like so many others before me.
Today i set off with my carefully planned playlist having decided against having Laura but just to use music to mark 10 minutes and then turn round and come back at a chosen track. I nearly fell at the first hurdle when I realised I hadn't turned shuffle off and my warm down music was coming randomly into my running. This means by the time I had found the tracks I wanted I did a tad over 20 minutes. I could have done more. I'm so slow my shadow is faster than me. Slugs wave as they cruise by, but I beat a barge and some swans down the canal and I moved forward for 20 minutes.
I can't thanks this programme enough. it really has changed me. My posture is better. I have more energy and I get out in the fresh air and see the beautiful world! Here's to week 6!