Whoopee...wk6 run 2 sorted. The three musketeers all conquered this one today!! I was last so no pressure!!! Tough again, made the mistake of wearing 3 inch heels at work all day so feet really hurt when I got to running!! Still worried am going too slow but don't think would be able to sustain a faster pace just yet. Although don't get out of breath, is that wrong?? Just feels comfortable for me so must be what I need for now.
Did it mummycav and sillyyak!!!! : Whoopee...wk... - Couch to 5K
Did it mummycav and sillyyak!!!!

Well done Polly, the three ladies smashed it in one day, you are all AMAZING. 😁

Hell, 3" heels? 😱 my hero. I fall over in trainers. Lol
I was panting n sweating at the end and thought the last 60 second would never end, did my best time today though. Are you joining us on a parkrun this Saturday? 😂😂😂

Keep the pace you are running at for the moment as you are working within your capabilities and still completing the runs speed will come in time just keep plodding along and you will get there.

Ooh me too, can I be part of your club? I finished W6r2 today too!
3 inch heels respect, I cried when I finally gave up my 4 inches, now as I shrink so to do the heels. 2.5 all I can manage now. So you tottered around on your tachi as they are called here, all day and then ran. Double respect. Well done P

My goodness quite a gang of you racing to get on the podium and great support for one another and you're all doing so well and seem to well and truly have shaken the gremlins off, funny how that seems to happen after the dreaded week 5 is in the bag

Yes yes YES!!!! Brilliant...the three musketeers!!! Love it!!! No...it does not matter about speed whatsoever..what you mentioned is the important bit & that's being comfortable...finish the programme before you start training for the Olympics!!!! Lol...well done chick x
Just registered on park run doubt will do it this week though! Scared! And no cake lol!!
Do it!!! You can xx 💪🏻🏃🏼♀️🏃🏼♀️🏃🏼♀️
Maybe...will be on my own though feel silly as if pretending!!
I know what you mean...I really do...but I will be on my own really, yes my friend will be there but he's running with his wife & Daughter and they've been running for yonks so they're far better than me...but I'll be in my own world & there'll be loads of support there & encouragement...I'm looking forward to it...come on musketeer...you can do it!!!
Well I have registered but I will need a barcode how long does that take to come through? I will think about it???
Yay congratulations xxx