Just back from W6R3. It took me 3 hours to stop procrastinating and get out of the house (ironing done, paperwork shredded, stairs hoovered, cutlery all lined up in the drawer. Because we all need aligned cutlery don't we?). I took the sage advice of bulgarianlily , misswobble , Shivani05 and Returning2Run and extended the warm up walk to 10 minutes so was actually warm by the time I started running, and, I DID IT!!! Me, 52, asthmatic, overweight Me! Thankyou all for replying to my previous post you made a massive difference to my run. This is the first run where I have relaxed, looked around and just let my body get on with it. And yes, I did burst in to tears at the end. Thankyou for helping me through. Come on W7!
W6R3 OMG! I did it!!: Just back from W6R3. It... - Couch to 5K
W6R3 OMG! I did it!!

Well done... official RUNNER 🏃🏃🏃
I still do that procrastinating thing some days but you just know that after the run everything is fabulous 😁
Love how you got emotional too, it really is a huge achievement to be proud of xx

Bless you! Well done for getting out there, I bet your cutlery drawers are beautiful though!

You are an inspiration, not only as a runner, but as a domestic guru! I didn't know it was even possible to straighten cutlery.
I too have just finished week 6, am overweight and 51. Luckily not asthmatic though.
Keep going fellow runner!
Thank you for that post. Made me remember that exact run and the feeling I had afterwards. Overwhelmed just like you. You have come to a point now where everything is possible. You are going to take your running wherever you want to take it to.🏃🏃❤️❤️
Thankyou. I hope everything is possible as I plan to be a runner for a very long time. I have spent a lot of my life watching runners pass my window and wished I could be one of them. C25K has shown me that I can and all of the things that stopped me before were never really a problem. I plan to make up for lost time!

Well done. It's such a chunk of time, 25mins! I'm the opposite, I go out running to avoid doing the housework!

Well done- bet you felt over the moon at the end!

Love the image of your aligned cutlery, I'll have to try that... But very well done, from a fellow procrastinator with a very tidy knicker drawer!