Having completed W8R3 on 5 August I had my final week of the plan organised and should have graduated by now!
However, life and stuff continues to get in the way and I started W9 this morning with the expectation that if I could run for 20 minutes I would be happy and any more would be a bonus.
The slow and steady mantra on repeat in my head and in time with my pace, Kevin Fong on Desert Island Discs in my ears and Mr Smooth beside me all the way and off I went.
I did it! For the first time ever in my 53 years I ran non-stop for 30 minutes!!! I wasn't fast - 7 to 8 km/hr and nowhere near 5k, only 4.6k including the walk either end but I don't care!
I never ever ever thought that I would get this far and I so hope that I can complete the final 2 runs this week.
Reading all of your posts has pushed me this far so thank you. Even if you don't know that you've helped, you have my fellow C25k'ers!