That great feeling of achieving something - Couch to 5K

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That great feeling of achieving something

womblejogger profile image
17 Replies

having tried to kickstart my running/jogging unsuccessfully over the last couple of years even though i have gone through c25k before, I really didn't believe that when I started 9 weeks ago that I would go the distance. Well fast forward 9 weeks to August 7th 2017 and I ran my last run of week 9. It hasn't been an easy journey, there have been times when my monkey (look up chimp paradox) has been unbearable to live with, but the times I have ran him into submission have been great. My last run of week nine was one such run... I really wasn't in the mood to do it, and the more I convinced myself I wasn't going out the more I didn't want to. After a virtual telling off I donned my gear and went out ... had to changed my route from the usual one I run on as the other has a regular group of hoody wearing, teenage spotty oiks loitering and I didn't want any jeers or hassle, the route change didn't bother me but there was something niggling me whilst I was running ... pace ... why still after all this time am I bothered by this when I really need to focus on stamina I still don't know ... any way I digress ... i made it to the 2 mile mark with 2 minutes left still to go, could i dig deep and push on ... I did and i was pleased and proud of myself for doing it and getting out there.

Well that's c25k done, a couple of weeks at the 30 minute mark and then I am embarking on the bridge to 10k so wish me luck. next year I am joining the ranks at the start line for the essar chester half marathon in April running in support of Guide Dogs Cymru, Hope to see you there.

And to all those just starting c25k or thinking of starting c25k, don't hesitate just do it. Yes times do get tough, yes there are times where you will think you cannot go on and why are you doing it but like so many others and myself included you get through it with help, support, this great forum and the people who post to it, and you weirdly start looking forward to the next run.

just remember keep wombling along

Steve P. aka the womblejogger

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17 Replies
Oldfloss profile image

Great post... you wombling runner you! Congratulations...

But, you stuck at it and you did it.. and I know in your last post, that there are plans afoot... ( see what I did there)?

But.. for now, bask in the glory, get ready for the podium party and get that badge!!!

womblejogger profile image
womblejoggerGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

thanks oldfloss, i really didn't think i was going to do it last night mind set was all wrong, but i knew if i could get out and do it my mindset would change, was tough but i stuck at it even though half way round i could have quite easily just gone and stopped. But I didn't and no matter how fast or slow or what distance i did i went the 30 mins and that mens so much to me given that this time 9 weeks ago i wouldn't have dreamed i could have done this, thanks as alwyas for the wise words of wisdom, look forward to carrying along this path with you in tow :D

IannodaTruffe profile image

Well done Steve. many congratulations.

It sounds like you have the next few months mapped out which is great for motivation. As your legs strengthen you will wonder that C25k was such a struggle and thirty minutes running will soon be something that you do without a second thought.

Good luck running the couldn't do a worse job than the current bunch!

womblejogger profile image
womblejoggerGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Thanks m8y I have a cunning plan so someone wise once said ... i have signed up to parkrun but unfortunately cannot do it for the next two weeks, other commitments but i am so looking forward to joining up with like minded people and gaining not only in speed, distance but in confidence which i lack strangely enough. hope to do a couple of charity races this year if i can and introduce a long run into my weekly 3 runs all good stuff and i couldn't have done it with the help and support of family and friends and the forum community on here :D

sheps profile image

Well done for getting that chimp back in the box and completing the plan. You aren't the actual Steve P are you?

womblejogger profile image
womblejoggerGraduate in reply to sheps

what there is more than one of us ?? lol originally from south wales if that helps narrow it down

sheps profile image
shepsGraduate in reply to womblejogger

I was thinking of the Chimp Paradox Steve Peters - not in South Wales though.

womblejogger profile image
womblejoggerGraduate in reply to sheps

no not him lol ... no just started reading it as i have a rather naughty and PITA monkey called rufus who I need to get under control, he has ruled the roost for far to long and I have trying to show him who's boss with rather mixed results so far ;), running or should i say wombling keeps him in check ;)

sheps profile image

Oh well done you. It is really useful to know about his existence. He is so much easier to deal with once you can recognise him.

iain-strachan profile image

Congratulations, Steve! It really is a great feeling of having achieved something when you complete C25K.

womblejogger profile image
womblejoggerGraduate in reply to iain-strachan

thanks iain it is :D

Jaxdreamer profile image

Fantastic achievement and goals- well done you! 👍🏃🏅🎓🎽

womblejogger profile image
womblejoggerGraduate in reply to Jaxdreamer

thanks jaxdreamer ... gotta have goals to keep the motivation up :D

misswobble profile image

Well done ! Good int it! 😃

Getting carefully to 10k is really enjoyable and a great distance to have under your belt. Go very carefully, 10% progression per week should do it 🙂

womblejogger profile image
womblejoggerGraduate in reply to misswobble

will do thanks miss wobble :D

Hey you wombled brilliantly and didn't wobble at the final hurdle. Well done you

womblejogger profile image
womblejoggerGraduate in reply to

Hey i'm a womble not a weeble ;)

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