9 weeks ago I was the kind of person who didn't run, couldn't run, wouldn't run. Forward wind 9 weeks and I'm a runner. I can't imagine going forward without running in my life.
Strangely body was still relucant to go out this morning even though it was our graduation run. It was grumbling as usual about it being too cold, too damp, too dark. Oh get a grip body I said. Off we went on our usual route with slightly faster than last time music. Once underway body settled down, and even said it was enjoying it. I decided to mix up the end of the run as I wanted to try and extend the run to see if I could break the 5k mark.
I chose my end point and even managed a bit of a sprint for the finish. I ran for 36mins and covered 4.5k. So not quite my 5k but I still feel pretry good. For someone who had never run before (not even for a bus) I've come a long way.
To all you runners no matter where you are in the programme - If I can do it so can you. It's the best feeling in the world. Now on to B210K and C25K+ - well didn;t really expect anything else did you?