Well that was a bit better this morning! Managed to get to the 3rd run and had to slow to a walk half way through to sort my phone out as spotify and the C25K app both stopped working. Then managed to keep going until about halfway through the 2nd last run and had to slow to a walk for the rest of the time. Used reliever inhaler before and I think that helped too. Husband managed all the runs and went at his own pace so while I could still see him we weren't 'running' together. Just as well I was behing him because the car keys fell out of his pocket on the 1st run and luckily I spotted as I came up behind him. I felt my knees beicg a bit sore anc feeling a bit 'clicky' today, and coming down the stairs into the house was quite difficult...still amazed that I actually am getting off the couch to do this...next 'run' Sunday.
W1R2 - a bit better!: Well that was a bit better... - Couch to 5K
W1R2 - a bit better!

Glad to hear that it was better today. Have a good run on Sunday.

Yeay! A good run and a positive post !
Keep it slow and steady... it is the way...plenty of warm up and hot shower or bath after, and maybe a bit of massage. Onward and upward
I was going sooo slowly. Got lapped by a pensioner walking her dog...I'll beat her one of these days!! LOL!!
Was it me???? Oh no.. I don't have a dog
this old bird look like she'd been reanimated to take the dog out...
Oh no... definitely not me... I am looking a bit sassy today.. had my hair cut...think Jamie Lee Curtis..spiky.. ( but without the benefit of a make up artist, a physical training instructor and designer clothes )
Awesome!! Glad it went better. That's really great. Glad you saw the keys too, ha!
I did polite smiling to a grey haired old dear yesterday and then only just overtook her and her 2 poodles! Made me giggle. One day we'll 'whoosh' past these people I'm sure 😁
Good luck for the next run 👍🏃🏻♀️😃