Training for my first triathlon. I'm a fair swimmer and cyclist but have avoided running (so far) using this app can I jump ahead to week 4 podcast? Or will I be able to run that 2.5k by week 7 anyway?
Need to run 2.5 k in 6 weeks time: Training for... - Couch to 5K
Need to run 2.5 k in 6 weeks time

You should probably not skip to week 4 as you will find it's marginally different muscles you are using. By week 7, assuming you progress each week, you should be up to 25 minutes so you should be OK for 2.5k....BUT you should aim to do a "brick run" where you come straight off your bike and run straight away (not necessarily a full on time of run). This info comes from being married to an Ironman triathlete! Don't forget that you can always have a walking break during the run if you need it (most tend to walk the feedstations)
If you haven't run much (you say you 'avoid' running) I'd say you could run a long way by week 7 but it would be in a slow time. I started more or less at week 4 (effectively I started at the end of week 3). I was advised against it.
I am not super fit and not overweight either, I just walk everywhere and used to walk for miles. I was very into my exercise bike and felt like I had endurance for it, but that's not enough.
I think people will tell you on here that you risk injury. They have seen people miss out part of the course and come back injured. It puts a hell of a lot of weight on your knees, running and you will be using different muscles from cycling and swimming so you probably feel in excellent shape it doesn't mean you are gonna run far or fast. And if you do run fast like in a triathlon contest you are putting untold amounts of pressure on your joints and on calves, achillies, everything.
I'm a former couch potato, not into fitness as such. I wouldn't recommend starting at week 4, even if you are super fit on the bike, if you intend to run fast in this triathlon.

How old are you? Have you run in the recent past? Can you get advice and some training from an experienced trainer?
You sound as if you may have a good level of general fitness and your cardiovascular system is probably fairly well developed, so of course you can adapt the plan, but the slow and steady build up is safest way to avoid injury. As DawnRun says, you are using different muscle groups in different ways and to get the best out of them it is best to start slowly.
If you started AT W1, which will probably seem ridiculously easy to you, and if you ran every other day, you will get most of the way through the programme in six weeks. There is no knowing how fast you will be, but Week 5 Run 3 is twenty minutes continuous running, which would see many who are not as fit as you covering 2.5k at least. maybe start at the beginning, but only do one run from each week for two to three weeks and then settle into the plan by the letter. (I will get hung out to dry for this advice!!!!)
Your swimming and cycling are good complements for running rest days, but I would be concerned that you might end up overtraining and increasing your injury risk. I normally recommend F.T.D.P..........FOLLOW THE DAMNED PLAN.........but you may be a rare exception.
Thank you. I'll do week one and maybe miss every other day. I'm 52! Quite old really. I walk miles every day. At least 10000 steps minimum, often 20000. Also row every morning but although I used to run when younger it's been years since I last ran. I do 20 mins on cross trainer 2 weekly so cardio, reasonably fit. I'll let you know how it goes, appreciate the answers, thanks
Did first run this morning. Cv wise it was easy but muscle wise not so much! I'm in my Epsom salt bath! Glad I started at week one, thanks for advice. I'll persist. Triathlon is in 6 weeks so hopefully I'll get there. Cycle and swim tomorrow then run again on Friday.

The good thing about triathlon training is it helps to "put your muscles back in place". My body always felt it's best with regard to aches and pains while tri training. I would stick to the plan if your achy after your first run. I'm sure on the day the sheer excitement will carry you though the whole 2.5km run on the day. and then you can carry on with the plan afterwards. I'm excited for you I had a great time doing my tri.
So, training is going great. I've done 2.5K on 3 occasions now and I'm enjoying the running, surprisingly. Triathlon is in 2 weeks and I'm ready I think
So, I did my triathlon yesterday and the 2.5 k part in 14 minutes! Really pleased with how it went and it's in no small part due to the C25k because if I hadn't found that I'd have blundered on with full running and got injured I'm sure.