I usually run early morning and so up until now have only been confronted with the odd muggle on my outings. Yesterday morning I thought I'd benefit from an extra hour and half in bed, so postponed my run till later... Of course I'd have no problem running round the town in Lycra I told myself as I snuggled back down under my duvet.
I still hadn't donned running gear by half 8 last night. I gave myself a talking to and said 'it's now or never!' I'm on a tight-ish running schedule as I go on holiday in just over 3 weeks and I so desperately want to have graduated before then. Anyway, when push came to shove, I wasn't feeling so brave about running in front of the non running masses. I had an idea... Go back to the country lane I ran in week one!
So off I set, warm up walk up a hill again... And perfectly timed so it ended at the entrance to the lane. Now, 6 weeks ago I could barely run 40 seconds without clutching at my chest and wishing I'd tidied before I left the house. I remember counting every step and using every ounce of will power I possessed just to keep going. I did 3 runs up, not even taking me half way up the lane and 3 runs back.
Last night...w6r2... I ran the entire lane and more in my first ten mins...then 3 min walk and all the way back down again. I was so comfortable that I decided to keep running..... Another few minutes! Go me!
Anywaaaaay.... Wow! It was great to go back to where it all started and see how far I'd come. I had been struggling a wee bit mentally since starting the longer runs. W5r3 crushed my spirit a bit... Just cos it was such a push! So here I am, a little happier and a little more confident... Almost ready for week 7!!