I'm on week 2 and must admit I've found it hard.i have asthma and find myself out of breath. Although I take my inhaler am I doing something wrong.For this get easier. ππ
Beginner: I'm on week 2 and must admit I've... - Couch to 5K

You will see this advice everywhere you go on this forum but it is as true as it is simple. Slow down!
Run as slow as you need to in order to be able to hold a conversation whilst you are running. Even if it feels you could walk faster keep it nice and slow. Your aerobic capacity will increase substantially in the coming few weeks so it will naturally begin to feel easier but all the way through c25k the aim is to keep things nice and steady and ensure there are no injuries.
Well done on getting started and all the best.

Hi there..Well done for starting this
There are lots of folk on here who run and have asthma, I am sure you will get some great advice
But, as Dunder2004 says.. slow and steady.. really slow...
This is your journey and you do it at your own pace... enjoy the journey, follow the programme carefully, take those rest days and listen to your body..
You can do this
is it worth keeping it up? No matter how hard I try, I can't get out more than once a week. Like most people , due to work and family commitments. Am I not doing more damage? I'm doing 2mile once a week
Once a week is better than none at all so you're dong well. Could you get up a bit earlier or get out at lunch time or after work? Keep going! It'll be worth it π
can't really get up any earlier. Leave for work at 7am and don't get home before 7.30 to 8.30. Wed is only earlier night which is 6pm so trying my best to go out then. Weekends I'm a volunteer respite carer or helping with family. It's hard to stay motivated , but I am now doing 2 mile and have managed 3 mile before. I did think more damage could be done if pressure was put on the body occasionally as opposed to a regular couple of times a week. Maybe in the light night I will manage more as I could go out later. Thanks for reply

Running is hard which is why most people don't do it! So you should feel very proud that you started this programme and you've done the first run which is the hardest IMHO. And you've got to week 2!
The more you run the stronger you get and running feels easier. Just run very slowly and tick off each run as you go.
You're doing brilliantly π€

I am asthmatic and found it was week 2/3 that I had problems with my breathing. A few things that have helped me (and are still helping me!)
- slowing down (which has already been mentioned)
- concentrating on my breathing - I found if I concentrated on slowing my breathing down during the first minute of running or whenever I thought my breathing was getting a little erratic, then it became easier for the rest of the running
- taking my blue inhaler just before I set off (or while doing the warm up walk)
- if, during the recovery walk, my breathing was not recovering enough, then using my blue inhaler before the next running section (or as the program went on, just walking for a short time and using my inhaler, then trying running again)
- I also found it useful to chat to my asthma nurse at my review about how I could best use my different asthma medications to help me with my running (she had a couple of other things for me to try which were unique to my medication list!)
- when it is cold, using a buff over my mouth and nose to warm the air up before it hits my lungs, as cold air is one of my triggers
These are just things which work for me. There are others on here who will, I'm sure, be able to give you advice too
The main thing is not to get disheartened and give up - you can do this!

Run slower, relax, see your asthma nurse for advice. I am also asthmatic and I do struggle at times but I have still managed to achieve lots in my running. You can do it... π

Others have given very good advice and I would repeat: talk to your asthma nurse and slow down.
My experience of running with asthma is that if I have a cold, it's cold or I'm running where there is pollution of whatever sort, I will use my purple preventative inhaler night and morning. If not, I use my blue inhaler about 30 minutes before I go (I've been told this is optimum time). I always take it with me.
You can do C25K by running once a week but you will see results quicker if you can run twice a week. Now that it's getting lighter, can you squeeze in a run earlier or later, perhaps? Even if not, you're still doing yourself a huge favour by starting. Well done, and keep going, you'll get there!

My tuppence worth is - I know a guy, a better runner than me, and on talking to him, discovered he has asthma and he told me that running has improved the condition considerably.

Yes, slow down and see your asthma nurse for advice. I'm asthmatic and find I need to use my relief inhaler as well as the preventative one before a run. My nurse has told me to manage my own asthma - I.E. experiment with dosage etc and she's happy for me to have extra relief inhalers now she knows why I need them. Exercise does change asthma, not necessarily for the worse, it's manageable with the right inhaler.