Lots of things trying to spoil today!
Some people are just on self-destruct! My friend didn't appreciate the advice that she asked for, and I gave - note to self, if someone asks for advice, tell them what they want to hear not what you think and all will be well in the world! Must get more patience as well. Still got sobs stuck in my throat.....
It was a beautiful morning again, but had to wait in for a parcel that needed signing for, only to see the delivery man leave it in the post box at the top gate - obviously didn't need signing for then !
So as soon as we set off on our 30 minute walk, sun went in and it started mizzling on!
Anyhoo, didn't think about the running much because the conversation with my friend played through my head most of the way - a positive from a negative I suppose!
First .75 mile was a struggle as usual, but thought about the 'toxic ten' and just kept going. It's still hard though! I'd watched a video on Kinetic Revolution about Kenyan runners, but as I tried to take longer strides my hips and butt cheeks were really stiff so couldn't 'emulate' them - haven't had any problems with stiffness so far so why today?
When 'our Laura' said 12.5 mins gone I had gone much further that Wednesday, so was gee'd up nicely at the prospect of doing better today.
Had to speed up past the Postman as Winston was making his mouth go ! But at least I could speed up, or was that just being dragged along
The last five minutes I thought about all of my virtual running friends that have kept me going on this amazing inspirational forum time after time. You're all succeeding so I'm jolly well going to an'all!! I ran 2 miles in 25 mins today. I ran 1.8 miles in 25 mins on Monday, so a little improvement.
If it wasn't for you all, I may have well sacked today off, so thank you for being there for me, makes me feel less miserable!
Yoo Hoo Week 8! Here we come...xx