Look what came in the post today. Isn't it nice :0). Well I had to run after that turned up! Ran for 30 mins on the treadmill today as one of my legs is feeling a bit iffy. It held up fine today so I am back outside on Sunday!! The perceived effort on the treadmill is so much more, I think because of the constant speed. Covered 2 miles so not fast but I still ran for 30 mins :0)
Shiny badge...: Look what came in the post today... - Couch to 5K
Shiny badge...

Loving the badge! Now you just have to find the perfect place to put it. My partner wears his on this trainers laces and it hasn't come off.

Well done missus. Nice badge too!

Looks really nice... I'm another one of those sad people who thought I would be sent a real pin badge when I graduate... think I will buy one though... will be proud to wear it when I complete.

Oh I didn't know you could get a real badge....where did you get that from?
I got it from here c25kgraduatebadge.co.uk. Very good service :0)

I got one of those too

Looks great!

I got one and I always wear it on my running jacket

Well jel! Gonna get me one of those puppies. Sorry where was I? many congrats to you and hope you sort out your trainings aims from here. Main thing is enjoy!

Well done RK - that is impressive - I like the idea of a real badge (he whispers this so as not to upset 'Virtual Badge') Hope the 'iffy' leg gets less 'iffy'

We'll done and enjoy. I also sent for one of these as I felt a memento was in order. Hope the leg bears up on your next outing and totally agree with you on the treadmill observations.

How do you get an actual physical badge, I knew not of these? It is lovely & well done for getting outside a bit more with your running, think it is good to clear the head in the fresh air too x