Well, I got out again tonight, rather late and did run 3. I felt I was flagging a bit but then for some reason after I had been told to slow down and walk, I decided to carry on and did about another minute at a guess. I think I was fretting about week 5.
I felt tired in the run and yet felt I recovered between runs and afterwards a bit quicker than I have been.
It was quite a cool night but not as bad as I expected...and I do go out quite well wrapped up. Wind didn't seem as bad as forecast either and didn't really affect me.
I have also been and swam 40 lengths today and later took the bike out for a slow meander as that hasn't been out much lately and I need to get moving on it...just did a slow 7k around my local streets, not too much as I was mindful that I had decided I wanted to jog too. There seemed to be quite a few folk milling about tonight, I also saw another runner who walked bits too so I wondered if she was on C25K too.
I am exhausted now though and keep nodding so it's off up the wooden hill as my mum and dad used to say when I was a mere nipper.
Night all and happy running tomorrow for those who are....which reminds me of a question I thought of...
Ok, so we take a rest day in between runs. At what point in our running journey does it become ok to run on consecutive days???