Today's run was a very slow one. I did just over 5k in 36:04 min with an average pace of 7:09min per km.
I could have try to do a fast run: The weather was fine, not too hot, not too cold. Breathing was ok. I didn't feel exhausted when I ran. Everything was just fine (except my stupid ear phones that decided to pop out all the time...)
But: I didn't even try to go fast. I took this run as an opportunity to run just for pleasure. I did a PB (5k in 32:11) on Tuesday so I felt no need to try and beat it again.
Usually I feel bad after such a run especially if I feel that I could have tried harder. But this time, I don't. I think it's because right from the beginning I didn't try to be fast. I just tried to keep going, enjoying the landscape, the dogs running on the lawns in the park, the BBC podcast in my ears, the sun shining on me...
I recommend to everyone to do a conscious slow run. It's not about speed. It doesn't matter if and when we do a sub 30 minute 5K. It's about running and feeling the newly gained fitness to do so. I started the programme in April and I definitely couldn't have run for 36 minutes back then. This is what counts, I am no longer the unfit person I used to be. Ok, I'm still chubby and don't look as if I was doing any sports but, hey, there's a surprising fitness in this overweight body and anyone who judges my level of fitness by my outward appearance would be surprised if he or she knew how long I can run.
I will still try to improve my speed and won't do these "take-a-break-runs" very often. But from time to time, it feels good. I can work on speed on another day.
Enjoy your runs! Don't put yourself too much under pressure about beating a PB! You're doing all this not for the stopwatch but for a very important person in your life: yourself!
Happy running!