Bitter Sweet: Today I was still sore from W4R... - Couch to 5K

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Bitter Sweet

davidhwynn profile image
20 Replies

Today I was still sore from W4R3 last Saturday, even with that day's break, and frankly more than a little disheartened anyway, having found W4R3 so very hard. I started out today having decided to give myself an extra day's break but then started getting very cold feet about that idea. I was really worried that if I took another day off my running I would just not start again, ever. Coincidences then starting happening, so maybe there are angels as well as gremlins ... Heart FM played some of my running music tracks, my young friend (a marathon runner - don't you just love people like her ?????) came up on my phone app as having done a 40 minute run this morning after dropping her daughter off at school. I compromised and went to the gym and onto the dreadmill. I had a bash at W5R1, didn't quite make it, reached only half way through the third running interval despite slowing down lots and lots. Not sure if it's physical (heart rate monitor said I had pretty well reached my maximum recommended level) or mental ... I think now after a long shower, water and a pile of fruit that it's mental, so I'm cross with myself. Never mind I think I can do this one, maybe 2 more attempts to get there but YES. Bitter sweet today.

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davidhwynn profile image
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20 Replies
Oldfloss profile image

Hang in there David...the mind gremlins are a pesky nuisance! They are so sneaky too !

Just think of it as a practice run...:) It is in your mind, but hey, how powerful that mind is :)

If it can work against you, it can work for you.So after your rest day.. you go out and you say, I can and I will do this, however slowly I have to go :) And it matters not how slow that is.

You went out and you had a good run, even if it was not as intended! :) Try not to compare with others' performances either..this is your journey.. and you do it your way, at your own pace :)

I am going to try for a very short post-lurgy run tomorrow morning.. and yes, my mind is saying... are you sure ?

Well yes, I blinking well am. I shall take it one slow, steady step at a time. My gear is out ready, my route is planned, and I will do it ! And if this old snail can... well you know the rest.

Watch this space !

ancientrunner profile image
ancientrunnerGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Wise words as ever Floss, enjoy your run.

loisamelia profile image

Your mind can sometimes be your worst enemy can't it. It's as much a mental battle as anything else really. Keep trying, that's the main thing. We've all felt this way at one point or another. Good luck!

McFitty profile image

It's so frustrating when you know your head has scuppered a run. Don't let it get you down though, that was a good solid run. More grist to the mill and extra building blocks in those running legs.

Next time ☺

AnneDroid profile image

To go when you really didn't want to is a victory. Bask in that glory and don't worry about not quite finishing it. You'll get there in the end with that determined spirit David.

davidhwynn profile image
davidhwynnGraduate in reply to AnneDroid

That's what I'm intending. Today wasn't supposed to be a run but I was really worried that if I took today as an extra day between runs I might well never restart the programme again ... I had got into a very negative mindset. On balance it was a good decision for me, I think, even though it turned out to be just a practice!

AnneDroid profile image
AnneDroidGraduate in reply to davidhwynn

I get that. I always fear that if I leave too big a gap between runs I'll just "drop out" and give up running. And beneath that is a somewhat more irrational fear that I'll forget how to run! Glad you're feeling positive about it on reflection.

davidhwynn profile image
davidhwynnGraduate in reply to AnneDroid

Thanks for the reassurance. Feeling a bit unsure with myself at present. Had a PT session (core stuff) at the gym today and although it was breaking the C25K rules by not having a days break, I did a single 5 minute run as my gym session warm-up. Don't know if it was a good idea or not, but at least I remembered how to run for 5 minutes!!

AnneDroid profile image
AnneDroidGraduate in reply to davidhwynn

I'm glad you remembered how to run! But make sure you have rest days. The rest days are important. There's proper science behind why - it's to do with muscle repair and building.

There is lots of stuff on t'interweb about it. Here's one example I picked at random and it's not about running but it still applies.

davidhwynn profile image
davidhwynnGraduate in reply to AnneDroid

I know, and I knew I'd get shouted at! It was a toss-up for me today between just doing a C25K warm-up & a SINGLE 5 minute run interval (to try to get rid of very negative vibes) & as a result breaking the rest day rule a bit, but not too much. Went on to a full core workout with my PT. I haven't totally got rid of my negative vibes, but feeling a bit better. I'll try not to do it again, honest!! My next attempt at W5R1 is on THURSDAY, note the rest day .....

AnneDroid profile image
AnneDroidGraduate in reply to davidhwynn

You're a good boy really. :)

SlowSlowKwikKwikSlow profile image

David - I had two days rest following W4R3 - did W5R1 today. Should have been easy(ish) as we've already done 5 min runs, right? Wrong. Legs felt like lead; I was demoralised when Laura told me I had only got half way through the 5 min jogs, never more so than on the last set, struggling up-hill. Thinking about it, the dog-walker who let her dog's lead lengthen as I approached, allowing the dog to run across in front of me thus forcing me on to the road probably did me a favour as the sudden shot of adrenaline kept me going.

For what it's worth, I hate running on the treadmill - much prefer being outside watching the world go by.

W5R2 Wednesday? We can do this together!

davidhwynn profile image
davidhwynnGraduate in reply to SlowSlowKwikKwikSlow

I wish we could do that W5R2 together, but I'm afraid not - can't do any runs on Wednesday and in any case have to try my W5R1 again: I'm planning to do that on Thursday this week. I have a gym core session with a PT tomorrow, I may even swop my normal gym rowing warm-up for the C25K warm-up walk and just a single 5 minute run (naughty as no break, but it would only be one run, not three)

Oldfloss profile image

... that is what friends are for :)

poppypug profile image

Ah David , I can sense your disappointment, but please don't beat yourself up . Try and put it to the back of your mind , have a couple of rest days and give it another go .

We've all had runs where they haven't gone as well as expected , been there and got the T shirts !

We will all be cheering you along for the next one ! :-) xxx

Bluebirdrunner profile image

You tried David. You said it yourself 'Dreadmill'..

Next time imagine yourself succeeding, the most important time to go so slow is at the start of the run..

Good luck next will get there soon😊

davidhwynn profile image
davidhwynnGraduate in reply to Bluebirdrunner

You're right of course, I slowed down in the last run, should have been slower from the start

T1gger profile image

David as said earlier it's a journey. Don't feel bad if it takes a little longer just don't give up. If you need an extra days rest or to repeat a day that's fine. Just enjoy the run and keep building that stamina, you will get there!

Raven2016 profile image

Ah well - extra practice will help you build those running muscles. I had a bad run last week- supposed to do 4 x 10 minutes, couldn't get through the 2nd interval. So after a bit of a pitiful walk where I felt exhausted and very cross with myself, I did one last little runnette of about 8 minutes and went home!

So - you are not alone. We all get rubbish runs - for me it seems to happen when its a "new" run.. i.e. if you've been doing a particular interval pattern for a few runs, then the new one seems to throw your brain/body. In my case I seem to get over excited, hare off and my poor lungs and legs seize up in protest!

Good luck with the next time you go out - I hope you have a really ENJOYABLE run, whether or not you get the intervals done. Don't forget that even if you do only a part of what you are hoping to run you are still doing so much better and going so much faster than the people who are still just sitting on their couches!

davidhwynn profile image

Of course you are right ... but that's being rational, which is often not my way! As for having an enjoyable run, I haven't got there yet, I do so much hope it happens one day. Won't stop me though.

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