Where do I find bridge to 10k? I have just graduated and I like goals and structure.
Bridge to 10k??? : Where do I find bridge to 10k... - Couch to 5K
Bridge to 10k???

On the "Health Unlocked" site search for it.

Good for you - I like a goal too! If you have only just graduated then consolidating 30 mins and/or 5K for a few weeks before increasing distance would make sense. Less chance of injury this way. I bridged from 5 - 10k by then gradually increasing one run a week and making it my long run. You can increase distance by up to 10% of your weekly total. More than this is not advisable as again it increases risk of injury. Good luck.☺
Great sensible advice. Sounds like a plan I can follow 😃😃
When you do start to increase one run, my jumps were something like 5.5k, 6k, 6.5k 7k, 8k, 10k. Also, some weeks I repeated my long run distance from the previous week and only increased when comfortable. Listen to your body is good advice! I still consider myself a 'new' runner although I graduated just over a year ago and am now running up to 10 miles on a long run☺ It's such a great journey!

After some Googling I found this -healthunlocked.com/couchto5......