Hi guys/gals,
I have just got back from my second run of week 1 of the C25K programme. I completed run 1 on Sunday and had yesterday off so decided to do my 2nd run today as I was feeling ready again. I felt fine until I was half was through the 2nd running phase and was *so* relieved when Laura came on and said, "you've completed your 1 minute run!" I did complete it, but I was puffing like mad again during the walking phase and wasn't looking forward to Laura telling me to start running again! This inevitably happened again and again until she announced that I had completed all the running phases and just had a 5 minute walk to complete in order to warm down. That was music to my ears I can tell you!
Anyway, although it was very tough again, I did complete everything Laura asked of me and am now back home having a nice cold drink, non alcoholic of course! and a tasty chicken sandwich feeling proud that I did it again and haven't been injured in the process!
I plan to have tomorrow off and do my 3rd run on Thursday.