So.. its been 2yrs and 4 months since I did c25k for the second time. I have my 5th half marathon in 2 months and my Leader in Running fitness course in just over a month. Today I was thrown in the deep end at my running clubs track session... today I became a coach. I took my first session with the beginners. One lady never ran before and before the end of the hour did 1 full lap of the track! I was so proud of her! Paying it forward!!
Big thank you to c25k and the support on here!! - Couch to 5K
Big thank you to c25k and the support on here!!

Aw this is great !
Well done on your achievements so far ! xxx

What a great post, wishing you all the luck on becoming a coach, it never ceases to amaze me where this journey can take us. Well done.

Wow - great stuff. You should be very proud!

Lovely story and lovely picture!

Thank you. Much appreciated that you took time to reply. I'm so happy and look forward to helping new runners like I was. I know if I didn't find my club and make such amazing friends I may well have given up when the going got tough and was diagnosed with Sciatica... It wasn't sciatica though. Just a dodgy foot. The pain was aweful but going along and just taling to everyone when I couldn't run kept me in the family... and here am now... Coaching and giving advice myself!

What a great story of where C25k can lead! Having started from the beginning, I'm sure you'll make a brilliant coach!