So morning dawned, all my running gear donned, well almost there's still those gremlin shoes ๐ฌ So blister plasters still in place, smother them in Vaseline, two pair of socks - now the shoes. They are not just gremlins they are foot killing monsters!!! No way can I ever run again ๐ฑ๐ฑ
Then in the middle of my panic I remember hubby bought me a pair of lovely cheap ones in Lidl - put them on and they are kind gentle shoes. So I have to rethink my route as I'm not confident the soles would give enough grip on the surfaces I normally run on, especially as it's rainy today. This means facing another gremlin - running through the village and people may see me๐ฑ
But I've done it, I dashed past the bakers where they know me and hid my face as I passed homes of people I knew and then I was safely on the far side of the village. Grass verge has been cut so nice to run on and I was able to enjoy a different view, startled lots of rabbits, bravely ran through a farm yard, did this in a hurry as wasn't sure if I should be there! Then I'm in the park and nearly done. I had to complete 2 circuits of the park which has made me realise how much further I now go.
But thanks to those lovely bargain shoes from Lidl I have completed week 9 Run2 and my feet don't feel any worse than before so all good. ๐ Would it be wrong to beat the devil shoes with a stick ?๐ก