Had a dentist appointment first thing this am so 'can't go' for run.
Came home from it - ton of things to catch up on so 'can't go' for run.
Park will be full of people at this late stage in am - so 'don't wanna' go for run.
It will be hotter now that any of the mornings I've run - so 'better not' go for run.
I've eaten breakfast which I never do before runnning - so 'not a good idea' to go run.
I'll have to change and shower again when I get back - so 'it's too much trouble' to go run.
This is the first day of TWENTY MINUTES CONTINUOUS running - so 'everything not right' to go run.
Sod it! Went Running.
Figured I would be miserable with myself if I did not do SOME running and also realised that I would have 'every excuse' not to 'be able to' do twenty minutes without a walk break.
So - call it a 'really not bothered if I run far or not' day, not even a 'practice' day.
Set off.
Damn that was a bit of an ordeal!
'You Did It' says 'My' Laura eventually.
I took a moment to stand at the gate of the Park and really look at the 'vast expanse' and length of the pathway that is my route around it. (in reality its 'only' seven tenths of a mile and only two rather gentle inclines )
I really took time to think back to the first time it struck me that 'someday' I would be expected by the programme to run ONCE AROUND WITH NO WALKING BREAKS!
And today - ran it, without stopping, two and about a half times!
It still hasn't really sunk in you know....and part of me is scared to death of getting 'too cocky' about it all because suddenly the 'four and a bit' times around I will do to get the 5k distance ticked off seems 'easily doable'
Two 'Forum Mantras' that are of huge support to me are 1) 'Trust the Programme' and 2) 'When it gets too tough slow down...and then slow down some more'
I think I now need to add a third lest I suck the fun out of this through competitive arrogance/self sabotage
3) 'Stay humble, Stay grateful - don't lose that sense of enjoyment and wonder at what you are achieving slowly but surely'
so - next is another r20 mins and then I think 'my' version departs from the UK one rather profoundly - it goes on with 25, 28, 30 and last but not least 35. (which is rather a relief because I thought I 'had' to do the last in 'only' thirty )
5 more 'Running days' - not in a million years did I think I would even be this close If, that very first day I had thought I would complete - always assuming I would not quit with frustration and boredom - w1 this fast I would not have fully believed it. Maybe three months is what I actually really believed - while also 'knowing' I would never complete it at all.
It's not JUST the programme - it's the Forum also that has me sitting here still trying to let it all settle in that I went from where I was June 1st to here - and the fun has not ended has it
thank you one and all